Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 16 of 2107       

1 / Inge Jackson Reist
Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989
It's a part of > Renaissance harmony - the Villa Barbaro at Maser - Columbia university, 1985 / Inge Jackson Reist
Monographic text

1 / J. Cushman
Ann Arbor ; London - UMI, stampa 1984
It's a part of > The foraminifera of the Atlantic ocean / J. Cushman
Monographic text

1 / Jagdish S. Rustagi
Totowa - Rowman & Allanheld, c1984
It's a part of > Introduction to statistical methods / Jagdish S. Rustagi
Monographic text

1 / James A. Duke, Edward S. Ayensu
Algonac (Michigan) - Reference publications, c1985
It's a part of > Medicinal plants of China / James A. Duke, Edward S. Ayensu
Monographic text

1 / James Allen Tyler
Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, 1984
It's a part of > A concordance to the Fables and Contes of Jean de la Fontaine with a study of the textual and mechanical problems involved - a dissertation presented to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Vi...
Monographic text

1 / Jane Elliott McKinne
Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989
It's a part of > The Church of S. Maria e S. Sigismondo in Rivolta D'Adda and the double bay system in northern Italy in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries - University of California, Berkeley 1985 / Jan...
Monographic text

1 / Jaropolk Lassowsky
Ann Arbor - UMI, 1984
It's a part of > The dramatic function of poetic and musical forms in a Savoy opera prototype / Jaropolk Lassowsky
Monographic text

1 / Jennifer Montagu
New Haven ; London - published in association with the J. Paul Getty Trust by Yale University Press, 1985
It's a part of > Alessandro Algardi / Jennifer Montagu
Monographic text

1 / Jesse P. Greenstein and Milton Winitz
Malabar, Florida - R. E. Krieger, 1984
It's a part of > Chemistry of the amino acids / Jesse P. Greenstein and Milton Winitz
Monographic text

1 / John Baur
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice- Hall, c1985
It's a part of > Music theory through literature / John Baur
Monographic text

1 / Johnston Peter, David Lee
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n.), c1985
It's a part of > Mathematics for social scientists / Peter Johnston, David Lee
Monographic text

1 / K. V. F. Jubb, Peter C. Kennedy, Nigel Palmer
Orlando etc. - Academic press, 1985
It's a part of > Pathology of domestic animals / K. V. F. Jubb, Peter C. Kennedy, Nigel Palmer
Monographic text

1 / Keith Austin Larson
Ann Arbor - UMI, c1985
It's a part of > The unaccompanied madrigal in Naples from 1536 to 1645 / Keith Austin Larson
Monographic text

1 / Ken Bloom
New York - Facts on File pubblications, c1985
It's a part of > American song - the complete musical theatre companion / Ken Bloom
Monographic text

1 / Lewis William Leadbeater
Ann Arbor, Mich. - UMI, printed 1984
It's a part of > A Preliminary concordance to the orations of the Emperor Julian / Lewis William Leadbeater
Monographic text

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