Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 473 of 2107       

IEEE transactions on sonics and ultrasonics
Vol.SU-11,n.1(June 1964)- vol.SU-32,n.6, November 1985

IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1971-1995

IEEE transactions on vehicular technology / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - The Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, Vehicular group, 1967-

IEEE Trial-use standard for microprocessor universal format for object modules - Draft american national standard
New York - The istitute of electrical and electronics engineers, copyr. 1985
Monographic text

If you know not me you know nobody. Part 1
New York - AMS, 1985
Monographic text

IJCAI ... - Proceedings of the ... International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence / sponsored by The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Los Altos - Kaufmann, 1969-

Illinois biological monographs
Urbana - University of Illinois, 1914-

Illinois Classical Studies
Ithaca N.Y. - Scholars press, 1976-

Illinois journal of mathematics
Urbana - University of Illinois, 1957-

Illinois petroleum / State of Illinois, State geological survey, Department of registration and education
Urbana - Illinois State geological survey , 1926-

Illinois studies in language and literature
Urbana Illinois - University of Illinois, 1934-

Illuminated manuscripts in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Los Angeles - The J. Paul Getty Museum, c1984
Monographic text

An illustrated guide to the protozoa / edited by John J. Lee, Seymour H. Hutner, Eugene C. Bovee
Lawrence - Society of protozoologists, c1985
Monographic text

5- Illustrated taxidermy tips - also covering business and photography
Denver - Brothers inc., c1984
It's a part of > The Jonas technique / compiled and edited by Onno van Veen
Monographic text

Illustrated World of the Bible library / ?English ed. Dir. gen.- Yehudah Makavy ; transl.- Merton Dagut?
New York ; Toronto ; London - Mc Graw-Hill, 1958- .
Monographic text

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