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New York - Dover, 1984 Music Raritan - a quarterly review New Brunswick - Rutgers University Magazine Rat (New York (NY) - R.A.T. Publications Inc., (1970 - Magazine Rat subterranean news New York (NY) - The Rat Magazine Rational drug therapy - Pharmacology for physicians - a monthly publication of the American society for pharmacology and experimental therapeutics Bethesda (MD) - American society for pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 1971-1988 Magazine 1- The raw material It's a part of > Utilization of hardwoods growing on southern pine sites / Peter Koch Monographic text Raymond Mason, painted sculptures and bronzes 1952-1985 - March 28-April 20, 1985 New York - Marlborough Gallery, 1985 Monographic text RCA review - a technical journal of RCA / Radio and electronics research engineering laboratories Princeton - RCA, 1936-1986 Magazine 2- Reaction modes and products. 1 / editor Aryeh A. Frimer Boca Raton, Fl - CRC press, c1985 It's a part of > Singlet O2 / editor Aryeh A. Frimer Monographic text 3- Reaction modes and products. 2 / editor Aryeh A. Frimer Boca Raton, Fl - CRC press, c1985 It's a part of > Singlet O2 / editor Aryeh A. Frimer Monographic text Reactor core materials - a review of recent developments in solid materials for reactor cores / prepared by Battelle Memorial Institute for the United States Atomic Energy Commission Vol. 1, n. 3 (aug 1958) - Vol. 4, 1961 Magazine Reactor materials - a review of recent depelopments / prepared for Division of technical information, USAEC by Battelle Memorial Institute (Washington) - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1962 Magazine Reader's guide to periodical literature - an author and subject index to selected general interest periodicals of reference value in libraries New York - Wilson Magazine Readers' guide to periodical literature - an author and subject index New York - Wilson, 1900/04- Magazine The reader's digest - an article from leading magazines, in condensed, permanent booklet form Pleasantville (N.Y.) - The Reader's digest association Magazine |