Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 865 of 2107       

Studies in 20. century literature
Lincoln - (s.n.), -2003

Studies in african linguistics
Los Angeles - University of California, Department of linguistics, African studies center, 1970-

Studies in American fiction
Boston, MA - Northesatern University, 1973-2008

Studies in American Indian Literatures - SAIL / Association for Study of American Indian Literatures
Lincoln - University of Nebrasca press, 1980

Studies in American Jewish literature
s.n. - Kent University press

Studies in applied mathematics
Cambridge (Mass.) - The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, c1969-

Studies in art history presented at the middle atlantic symposium in the history of art
College Park, Maryland- University of Maryland

Studies in avian biology - a publication of the Cooper Ornithological Society
(The place of publication is not referred) - Cooper Ornithological Society, 1978-

Studies in bibliography - papers of the Bibliographical society of the University of Virginia
Charlottesville - University press of Virginia, 1948-

Studies in bibliography and booklore
Cincinnati - Library of Hebrew union college, Jewish institute of religion, 1953-

Studies in Cheremis Folklore / Edited by Thomas A. Sebeok
Bloomington - Indiana University, 1952-
Monographic text

Studies in comparative communism
Los Angeles - University of Southern California, 1968-1992

Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic / edited by A. O. Slisenko ; traslated from Russian
New York - Consultans bureau, 1969-
Monographic text

Studies in Ecuadorian Indian languages
Norman - Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma, 1962- .
Monographic text

Studies in education
Stanford - Stanford University, 1896-

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