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Verdict in Peking - the trial of the gang of four / David Bonavia New York - G.P.Puttnam's Sons, 1984 Monographic text Bonczek, Robert H. Micro database management - practical techniques for application development / Robert H. Bonczek, Clyde W. Holsapple, Andrew B. Whinston Orlando etc. - Academic press, 1984 Monographic text Bone, Roger C. Critical care - a comprehensive approach / Roger C. Bone Park Ridge (Il) - American college of Chet Phisicians, 1984 Monographic text Bonevac, Daniel A. Ontological reduction and abstract entities / Daniel Albert Bonevac Ann Arbor, Mi. - University Microfilms International, c1980, stampa facs. 1985 Monographic text Boney, F. N. Southerners all / by F.N. Boney Macon, GA - Mercer, 1984 Monographic text Boni, Pietro Giuseppe Gaetano 1- Sonatas 1-3 / Pietro Boni , ©1984 It's a part of > Twelve Sonatas for violoncello and basso continuo / Pietro Boni ; edited by Nona Pyron and Christopher Barritt & Mark Chatfield ; keyboard realisation by Timothy Roberts & Guy Sigsworth Music Bonin, Jean M. The art of sheet music - american life in our piano benches - Elvejem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 21 september-10 november 1985 / Jean M. Bonin Madison - The Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, c1985 Monographic text Bonine, John E. The law of environmental protection - cases - legislation - policies / by John E. Bonine and Thomas O. McGarity St. Paul (Minn.) - West publishing, 1984 Monographic text Bonito, Virginia Anne The Saint Anne altar in Sant'Agostino, Rome / Virginia Anne Bonito Monographic text Bonito, Virginia Anne The Saint Anne altar in Sant'Agostino, Rome - New York University, 1983 / Virginia Anne Bonito Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989 Monographic text BonJour, Laurence The structure of empirical knowledge / Laurence Bonjour Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Harvard university press, ©1985 Monographic text Bonn, Robert Criminology / Robert L. Bonn New York (ect.) - McGraw-Hill, c1984 Monographic text Bonnard, Pierre Pierre Bonnard / (a cura di Andre Fermigier New York - Abrams, 1984 Monographic text Bono, Barbara J. Literary transvaluation - from Vergilian epic to Shakesperean tragicomedy / Barbara J. Bono Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London - University of California, c 1984 Monographic text Bonoma, Thomas V. Managing marketing - texts, cases, and readings / Thomas V. Bonoma New York - Free Press, 1984 Monographic text |