Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 1446 of 2107       

Holt, Richard C.
Introduction to computer science using the Turing programming language / R. C. Holt, J. N. P. Hume
Reston - Reston publishing, c1984
Monographic text

Holt, Victoria
The time of the hunter's moon / Victoria Holt
New York - Fawcett Crest, 1984
Monographic text

Holton, Gerald
Introduction to concepts and theories in physical science / by Gerald Holton ; revised and with new material by Stephen G. Brush
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University press, 1985
Monographic text

Holtz, Herman
Of business speaking - for executive, consultants, author, and trainers / Herman Holtz
New York (etc.) - Wiley, c1985
Monographic text

Holyoake, George Jacob
Sixty Years of an Agitator's Life / George Jacob Holyoake
New York ; London - Garland Publ., 1984
Monographic text

Holzer, Marc
Productivity and public policy / Marc Holzer and Stuart S. Nagel editors
Beverly Hills (etc.) - SAGE, c1984
Monographic text

Holzer, Siegfried M.
Computer analysis of structures - matrix structural analysis structured programming / Siegfried M. Holzer
New York etc. - Elsevier, c1985
Monographic text

Homan, Sidney
Beckett's theaters - interpretations for performance / Sidney Homan
Lewisburg - Bucknell university press ; London etc. - Associated university presses, 1984
Monographic text

Homans, George Caspar
Coming to my senses - the autobiography of a sociologist / George Caspar Homans
New Brunswick ; London - Transaction, c1984
Monographic text

Homans, George Caspar
Coming to my senses - the autobiography of a sociologist / George Caspar Homans
New Brunswick (NJ) ; London - Transaction Books, 1984
Monographic text

Home, Roderick Weir
The History of classical physics - a selected, annotated bibliography / R. W. Home ; with the assistance of Mark J. Gittins
New York °etc. - Garland publishing, 1984
Monographic text

Homze, Edward L.
German military aviation - a guide to the literature / Edward L. Homze
New York ecc. - Garland, 1984
Monographic text

Honey, Maureen
Creating Rosie the Riveter - class, gender, and propaganda during world war II / Maureen Honey
Amherst - University of Massachusetts Press, 1984
Monographic text

Hong, Ming-Ren
The Inversion of magnetic and gravity anomalies and the depth to Curie isotherm - dissertation... / by Ming-Ren Hong
Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, 1984
Monographic text

Honig, Edwin
The poets other voice - conversations on literary translation / Edwin Honig
Amherst, Mass. - The University of Massachusetts Press, 1985
Monographic text

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