Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1984-1985

Page no. 1510 of 2107       

Kaminsky, Stuart M.
American television genres / Stuart M. Kaminsky ; with Jeffrey H. Mahan
Chicago - Nelson Hall, c1985
Monographic text

Kamman, Madeleine
In Madeleine's kitchen / Madeleine Kamman ; introduction by James Beard
New York - Athenum, 1984
Monographic text

Kammerer, Paul
The inheritance of acquired characteristics / Paul Kammerer
New York ; London - Garland, 1984
Monographic text

Kampf, Avram
Jewish experience in the art of the twentieth century / Avram Kampf
Monographic text

Kamrin, Michael A.
Dioxins in the environment / edited by Michael A. Kamrin (and) Paul W. Rodgers
Washington (etc.) - Hemisphere, c1985
Monographic text

Kamthan, P. K.
Theory of bases and cones / P. K. Kamthan & M. Gupta
Boston etc. - Pitman, 1985
Monographic text

Kanare, Howard M.
Writing the laboratory notebook / Howard M. Kanare
Washington - American chemical society, 1985
Monographic text

Kanatsoules, Demetrios
Prosopographia Macedonica - from 148 B. C. until the time of Constantine the Great / D. Kanatsoulis ; wit a preface the American edition by Al. N. Oikonomides
Chicago - Ares, 1984
Monographic text

Kane, Art
Art Kane paper dolls
Los Angeles - Melrose, 1984
Monographic text

Kane, Edward J.
The gathering crisis in federal deposit insurance / Edward J. Kane
Cambridge (Mass.) - MIT press, 1985
Monographic text

Kane, Jeffrey
Beyond empiricism - Michael Polanyi reconsidered / Jeffrey Kane
New York - P. Lang, c 1984
Monographic text

Kane, Leslie
The language of silence - on the unspoken and the unspeakable in modern drama / Leslie Kane
Rutherford - Fairleigh Dickinson U. P. ; London - Associated U. P. , c1984
Monographic text

Kane, Mary Kay
Civil procedure in a nutshell / by Mary Kay Kane
St. Paul, Minn. - West publishing, 1985
Monographic text

Kane, Thomas R.
Dynamics, theory and applications / Thomas R. Kane, David A. Levinson
New York - McGraw-Hill, c1985
Monographic text

Kaneyoshi, Takahito
Amorphous magnetism / Kaneyoshi Takahito
Boca Raton - CRC Press, c1984
Monographic text

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