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Transportation for elderly and handicapped persons, paratransit, and ridesharing Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1985 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Transportation of hazardous materials- planning and accident analysis Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1984 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Transportation system management and signal systems Washigton - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1985 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Travel measurement issues Washington - Transportation Research Board, 1984 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Trends in transit marketing and fare policy Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1984 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Urban traffic, parking, and system management Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1984 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Wastewater treatment and hydraulics Washington - National research Council, Transportation Research Council, 1984 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Waterway and port plannig issues Washington - national Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1985 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Wetlands and roadside management Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1984 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Winter and transit bus maintenance and highway maintenance management Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1985 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Work-zone safety and maintenance management Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1984 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Subcommittee on Poultry Nutrition Nutrient requirements of poultry / National Research Council, Subcommittee on Poultry Nutrition Washington (D.C.) - National Academy Press, 1984 Monographic text National retail merchants association Stores / National Retail Merchants Association New York - National Retail Dry Goods Association, 1947- Magazine National Security Affairs Conference (10 ; 1983 ; Washington) Defense planning for the 1990s and the changing international environment - based on the Tenth National Security Affairs Conference, October 7-8, 1983 / cosponsored by the National Defense University and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs ; edited by William A. Buckingham, Jr Washington - National Defense University Press, 1984 Monographic text National society of genetic counselors Strategies in genetic counseling- clinical investigation studies - proceedings of third annual education conference of National society of genetic counselors, held in Seattle, Washington, June 1983 / editors Beth A. Fine, Natalie W. Paul ; assistant editors Florence Dickman, Elizabeth O'Brien Eakin, Sue Conde Greene White Plains - March of dimes birth defects foundation, 1984 Monographic text |