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Monographic text National union catalog of manuscript collections - Index 1980-84 Washington - Library of Congress, 1986 Monographic text Nationalism and popular protest in Ireland / edited by C. H. E. Philpin Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, ©1987 Monographic text The nationalization of the social science / Samuel Z. Klausner, Victor M. Lidz, editor Philadelphia - Uuniversit of Pennsylvania, 1986 Monographic text The nationalization of the social sciences / Samuel Z. Klausner, Victor M. Lidz editors Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania, 1986 Monographic text Nationalizing social security in Europe and America / edited by Douglas E. Ashford, E.W. Kelley Greenwich, Conn. ; London - JAI Press, ,1986 Monographic text Les Nations Unies et la lutte contre l'abus des drogues / Nations Unies New York - Nations Unies, 1987 Monographic text Native South American discourse / edited by Joel Sherzer and Greg Urban Berlin ; New York - Mouton de Gruyter, 1986 Monographic text NATO advanced research workshop on individual differences in hemispheric - Individual differences in hemispheric specialization / edited by A. Glass New York - Plenum Press, c1987 Monographic text Natural audiences - qualitative research of media uses and effects / edited by Thomas R. Lindlof Norwood - Ablex, c1987 Monographic text Natural convection in enclosures, 1986 - presented ai the winter annual meetingof the American society of mechanical engineers, Anaheim, California, december 7-12, 1986 / edited by R. S. Figliola, I. Catton New York - The american society of mechanical engineers, c1986 Monographic text 4- Natural convection, heat transfer in porous media and packed beds, direct contact heat exchange.. New York - The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1987 It's a part of > Proceedings of the 1987 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 22-27, 1987 / editors, P.J. Marto, I. Tanasawa Monographic text Natural disasters and cultural responses / Anthony Oliver Smith guest editor Williamsburg, Virginia - Studies in third world societes, 1986 Monographic text Natural formation process and the archaeological record / ed. by D. T. Nash and M. D. Petraglia Oxford - B. A. R., 1987 Monographic text Natural gas applications for air pollution control / Nelson E. Hay, editor Lilburn - The fairmont press, c1987 Monographic text |