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New York etc. - IFI/Plenum, c. 1981- Magazine Political science quarterly - a review devoted to the historical, statistical and comparative study of politics, economics and public law Boston ; New York ; Chicago - Ginn and C., 1886- Magazine Political socialization in the Arab state / edited by Tawfic E. Farah and Yasumasa Kuroda Boulder, Colorado - Lynne Rienner, 1987 Monographic text Political system and change / edited by Ikuo Kabashima and Lynn T. White Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University, 1986 Monographic text Political theory - an international journal of political philosophy Beverly Hills - London - Sage, 1973- Magazine Political violence and terror - motifs and motivations / edited by Peter H. Merkl Berkeley etc. - University of California, c1986 Monographic text Politics & society Los Altos - Geron-X Magazine Politics / Edited by Dwight Macdonald New York - Dwight Macdonald Magazine Politics and freedom - human will and action in the thought of Hannah Arendt / Gabriel Masooane Tlaba Lanham (etc.) - University Press of America, c1987 Monographic text Politics and government - a brief introduction / Alex N. Dragnich ... and others Chatham, N.J. - Chatham House, c1987 Monographic text Politics and society Los Altos, 1970- Magazine Politics and society in Reformation Europe - essays for sir Geoffrey Elton on his sixty-fifth bithday / edited by E.I. Kouri and Tom Scott New York - St. Martin's Press, 1987 Monographic text Politics and Society in the Holy Roman Empire, 1500-1806 / °AA.VV. Chicago - The University of Chicago Press, c1986 Monographic text Politics and society in the South / Earl Black and Merle Black Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Harvard University Press, c1987 Monographic text 1- Politics and War / Edited and translated by Bernard Lewis New York - Oxford University Press, 1987 It's a part of > Islam - From the Prophet Muhammad to the Capture of Costantinople / Edited and translated by Bernard Lewis Monographic text |