Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 849 of 2272       

Reaction of coordinated ligands / Paul S. Braterman ed
New York ; London- Plenum press, 1986-1989
Monographic text

Reactions of coordinated ligands / edited by Paul S. Braterman
New York - Plenum Press, c1986-c1989
Monographic text

Reactions of sulfur with organic compounds / M. G. Voronkov ... (and others)
New York ; London - Consultants Bureau, c1987
Monographic text

Reactive dyes in protein and enzyme technology / edited by Y.D. Clonis ... (and others)
New York - Macmillan, 1987
Monographic text

Reactive power - basics, problems and solutions / editor Gerald B. Sheble ; sponsored by IEEE Power Engineering Education Committee and the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society
Piscataway, N.J. - IEEE Serice Center, c 1987
Monographic text

Reactor core materials - a review of recent developments in solid materials for reactor cores / prepared by Battelle Memorial Institute for the United States Atomic Energy Commission
Vol. 1, n. 3 (aug 1958) - Vol. 4, 1961

Reactor materials - a review of recent depelopments / prepared for Division of technical information, USAEC by Battelle Memorial Institute
(Washington) - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1962

Reader's guide to periodical literature - an author and subject index to selected general interest periodicals of reference value in libraries
New York - Wilson

The readers adviser - a Laymans guide to literature / edited by Barbara A. Chernow and George A. Vallasi
New York ; London - R.R. Bowker, 1986-1988
Monographic text

Readers' guide to periodical literature - an author and subject index
New York - Wilson, 1900/04-

The reader's digest - an article from leading magazines, in condensed, permanent booklet form
Pleasantville (N.Y.) - The Reader's digest association

Reading and computers - issues for theory and practice / edited by David Reinking ; foreword by George E. Mason
New York (etc.) - Teachers College Press, c1987
Monographic text

Reading comprehension - from research to practice / edited by Judith Orasanu
Hillsdale (N.J.) (etc.) - LEA, 1986
Monographic text

Reading psychology - an international tri-annual
Denton (TE) - s.n. , 1979-

Reading research - advances in theory and practice / edited by G. E. Mackinnon, T. Gary Waller
New York etc. - Academic press, 1979-
Monographic text

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