Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 987 of 2272       

Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute - chemical, mathematical and physical sciences
Ottawa, Ontario - Royal Society of Canada, 1890-

Transactions of the section on gynecology of the College of physicians of Philadelphia
°S.l - s.n. , 1895-

Transactions of the Society of rheology
New York ; London - Interscience publishers, 1957-
Monographic text

Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Madison - Wisconsin Academy of sciences arts and letters

Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of sciences, arts, and letters
Madison - Atwood & Culver, 1872-

Transatlantic perspectives - a publication of the German Marshall fund of the United states
Washington, s.n. , 1979-

Transboundary air pollution - effects and control - report prepared within the framework of the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution
New York - United Nations, 1986
Monographic text

Transcriptional control mechanisms - proceedings of a Cetus-UCLA symposium held in Keystone, Colorado, April 6-13, 1986 / editors Daryl Granner, Michael G. Rosenfeld, Shing Chang
New York, NY - Liss, (©1987
It's a part of > UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology
Monographic text

Transdermal controlled systemic medications / edited by Yie W. Chien
New York ; Basel - M. Dekker, c1987
Monographic text

Transfer of learning - contemporary research and applications / edited by Stephen M. Cormier, Joseph D. Hagman
San Diego - Academic Press, c1987
Monographic text

Transformation - arts communication environment
New York - (s.n. , 1950-

The Transformation of Palestine - Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict / Edited by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod ; With a Foreword by Arnold J. Toynbee ; Contributions by Alan R. Taylor ... (and others)
Evanstone - Northwestern University Press, 1987
Monographic text

Arlington - The American Association of Blood Banks, 1961-

Transfusion - official journal of the American association of blood banks
Philadelphia (PA) - J. B. Lippincott, 1961-

Transistor technology / By members of the Technical Staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories
Princeton ; New York ; London - Van Nostrand, 1958-
Monographic text

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