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Into the fire / Bryan Adams ; produced by Bryan Adams and Bob Clearmountain ; all songs wrtitten by Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance Los Angeles - A&M Records, p1987 Audio recording Adams, Charles Francis Diary / Aïda Di Pace, Donald and David Donald ; ?poi? Marc Friedlaender and L. H. Butterfield editors... Cambridge, Mass. - The Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1964- . Monographic text Adams, Cindy Aphalt-rubber interlayer field performance / by Cindy Adams and Jorge Gonzales College Station - Texas Transportation Institute, 1987 Monographic text Adams, Clinton American litographers, 1900-1960 - the artists and their printers / Clinton Adams Albuquerque - The University of New Mexico, 1986 Monographic text Adams, Dennis M. Electronic learning - issues and teaching ideas foe educational computing, television, and visual literacy / by Dennis M. Adams and Mary Hamm Charles c Thomas - Springfield, 1987 Monographic text Adams, Donald Robert Canine anatomy - a systemic study / Donald R. Adams Ames - Iowa state university press, 1986 Monographic text Adams, Francis Gerard The business forecasting revolution - nation-industry-firm / F. Gerard Adams Oxford ; New York - Oxford University press, 1986 Monographic text Adams, Gregory T. The bilateral Bergman shift / Gregory T. Adams Providence, R. I. - AMS, 1986 It's a part of > Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Monographic text Adams, Henry (1838-1918) History of the United States of America during the administrations of James Madison / Henry Adams ; a cura di Earl N. Harbert New York - Literary classics of the United States, c1986 Monographic text Adams, Henry (1838-1918) History of the United States of America during the administrations of Thomas Jefferson / Henry Adams ; a cura di Earl N. Harbert New York - Literary classics of the United States, c1986 Monographic text Adams, Henry (1838-1918) The letters of Henry Adams / edited by J. C. Levenson ... (and others) Cambridge (Massachusetts) - Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1982-1988 Monographic text Adams, John The chairman dances - foxtrot for orchestra / John Adams New York - Associated Music publishers, ©1986 Music Adams, John Shaker loops ; Light over water / John Adams Stati Uniti - New Albion Records , c1987 Audio recording Adams, John The Chairman Dances / John Adams ; San Francisco Synphony ; Wart, Edo de ( dir,) Stati Uniti - Elektra , c1987 Audio recording Adams, John Stephen Housing America in the 1980s / John S. Adams New York - Russel Sage Foundation, 1987 Monographic text |