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The ruling class of Judaea - the origins of the jewish revolt aganist Rome A.D. 66-70 / Martin Goodman Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, c 1987 Monographic text Goodman, Nelson The biochemistry and physiology of plant disease / Robert N. Goodman, Zoltan Kiraly, K. R. Wood Columbia, MO - University of Missouri press, 1986 Monographic text Goodman, Paul S. Designing effective work groups / Paul S. Goodman San Francisco (U.S.A.) - Jossey-Bass, 1986 Monographic text Goodman, Steven M. The birds of the Egyptian Western desert / by Steven M. Goodman and Peter L. Meininger and Wim C. Mullie Ann Arbor - Museum of zoology, University of Michigan, 1986 Monographic text Goodrich, Norma Lorre King Arthur / Norma Lorre Goodrich New York ; Toronto - Franklin Watts, 1986 Monographic text Goodway, Martha 2- The metallurgy of 17. and 18. century music wire / by Martha Goodway and Jay Scott Odell ; with contributions from Robert M. Fisher ... and others Stuyvesant, NY - Pendragon Press, c1987 It's a part of > The historical harpsichord - A monograph series in honor of Frank Hubbard / general editor, Howard Schott Monographic text Goodwin, Doris Kearns The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys / Doris Kearns Goodwin New York - Simon and Schuster, c1987 Monographic text Goodwin, Richard Murphey The dynamics of a capitalist economy - a multi-sectoral approach / by Richard M. Goodwin and Lionello F. Punzo Boulder - Westview Press, 1987 Monographic text Gookin, Dan Hard disk management with MS-DOS and PC-DOS / Dan Gookin and Andy Townsend Blue Ridge Summit - Tab books, 1987 Monographic text Gorak, Jan Critic of crisis - a study of Frank Kermode / Jan Gorak Columbia - University of Missouri press, 1987 Monographic text Gorbacev, Mihail Sergeevic Discurso de Mijaíl Gorbachov en Vladivostok, 28 de julio de 1986 - Acto de imposición de la Orden de Lenin a Vladivostok, Nueva etapa en el desarrollo del Extremo Oriente soviético, Paz y seguridad para Asia y el Océano Pacífico Moscu, Novosti, 1986 Monographic text Gorbacev, Mihail Sergeevic Raportul politic al comitetului central al P.C.U.S. la congresul 27. al al partidului comunist al uniunii sovietice ; Cuvintarea rostita de Mihail Gor baciov, secretar general al C-C- al P.C.U.S., la incheierea lucrarilor congresului 27. al P.C.U.S ; Rezolutia congresului 27. al partidului comunist al uniunii sovietice la raportul politic al comitetului central al P.C.U.S. / Mihail Gorbaciov Mosca - Novosti, 1986 Monographic text Gorbacev, Mihail Sergeevic Reorganization and the party's personnel policy - The report and concluding speech by the general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee at the plenary meeting of the CPSU Central Committee January 27-28, 1987 / Mikhail Gorbachev Moscow - Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1987 Monographic text Gordimer, Nadine Lifetimes under apartheid / Nadine Gordimer ; David Goldblatt New York - A. A. Knopf, 1986 Monographic text Gordimer, Nadine A sport of nature - a novel / Nadine Gordimer New York - A. A. Knopf, 1987 Monographic text |