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Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers '85 - Las Vegas, Nevada, December 2-6, 1985 / C. P. Wang editor ; conference sponsored by the Society for Optical and Quantum Electronics McLean, VA - STS Press, 1986 Monographic text International conference on Maglev & linear drives (1986 ; Vancouver) International conference on Maglev & linear drives - an Expo '86 specialized periods endorsed event - Vancouver, British Columbia, May 14-16, 1986 / sponsored by the Institute of electrical and electronics engineers vehicular technology society ; co-sponsored by Transportation development centre, Canadian institute of guided ground transport New York- Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, c1986 Monographic text International conference on myasthenia gravis (7 ; 1986 ; New York) Myasthenia gravis - biology and treatment / edited by Daniel B. Drachman. -New York, NY - The New York Academy of sciences, 1987 Monographic text International Conference on pattern recognition (8. ; 1986 ; Parigi) international conference on pattern recognition - Paris, France - October 27-31 , 1986 - proceedings Piscataway, N.J. IEEE, 1987 Monographic text International Conference on pattern recognition (8. ; 1986 ; Parigi) Eighth international conference on pattern recognition - Paris, France October 27-31, 1986 - proceedings Los Angeles - The institute of electrical and electronics engineers, c1986 Monographic text International conference on pervaporation processes in the chemical industry (2. ; 1987 ; S. Antonio) Proceedings of 2. International conference on pervaporation processes in the chemical industry - San Antonio, Texas, March 8-11, 1987 / edited by R. Bakish Englewood - Bakish materials corporation, c1987 Monographic text International Conference on Phloem Transport Phloem transport - proceedings of an International Conference on Phloem Transport, August 18-23, 1985, held at Asilomar, California / editors, James Cronshaw, William J. Lucas, Robert T. Giaquinta New York - A.R. Liss, c1986 Monographic text International conference on production research (9. ; 1987 ; Cincinnati) international conference on production research - proceedings - August 17-20, 1987, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. / editor Anil Mital S.n. - The place of publication is not referred, 1987? Monographic text International conference on prostaglandins and related compounds (6. ; 1986 ; Firenze) Prostaglandins and related compounds - sixth international conference - Florence, Italy / editors Bengt Samuelsson, Rodolfo Paoletti, Peter W. Ramwell New York, NY - Raven press, (©1987 It's a part of > Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane, and leukotriene research Monographic text International Conference on Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous disorders 10. ; 1984 ; Baltimore Tenth International Conference on Sarcoidosis and Other granulomatous disorders / edited by Carol Johnson Johns New York, N.Y - New York Academy of Sciences, 1986 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text International conference on software engineering (9. ; 1987 ; Monterey, CA) International conference on software engineering - March 30-April 2, 1987, Monterey, California, USA - proceedings / sponsored by the Computer society of the IEEE technical committee on software engineering ... and others Washington, D.C. - Computer society press of the IEEE, c1987 Monographic text International conference on tall buildings (3. ; 1986 ; Chicago) Design for the handicapped - workshop proceedings, Third International Conference on tall buildings, january 6 1986 / prepared by Committee 56 of the Council on Tall buildings and urban habitat ; Gilda Moss Haber chairman ; Artza Churchman vice-chairman ; Thomas O. Blank editor ; contrubutors Alexander Chen ... and others Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) - Council on tall buildings an urban habitat, 1987 Monographic text International conference on the applications of the Mossbauer effect 1983 ; Alma-Ata Applications of the Mossbauer effect - proceedings of the International conference on the applications of the Mossbauer effect, Alma-Ata, USSR, 26 September-1 October, 1983 / edited by Yu. M. Kagan, I. S. Lyubutin New York etc. - Gordon and Breach science publishers, 1985- Monographic text International conference on the fantastic in literature and film (2. ; 1981 ; Boca Raton) Aspects of fantasy - selected essays from the second international conference on the fantastic in literature and film / edited by William Coyle Westport, Conn. etc. - Greenwood press, 1986 Monographic text International Conference on the Fantastic in the Art (5. ; 1984 ; Boca Ratun) The fantastic in world literature and the arts - selected essays from the 5. International Conference on the fantastic in the arts / edited by Donald E. Morse New York (and others) - Greenwood, 1987 Monographic text |