Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 1620 of 2272       

Johnson, Thomas H.
A new approach to management accounting history / H. Thomas Johnson
New York ; London - Garland, 1986
Monographic text

Johnson, Tom R.
The amphibians and reptiles of Missouri / by Tom R. Johnson ; photographs and drawings by Tom R. Johnson ; edited by Kathy Love
Jefferson City - Missouri Department of conservation, c1987
Monographic text

Johnson, Walter Ralph
Momentary monsters - Lucan and his heroes / W.R. Johnson
Ithaca ; London - Cornell University Press, 1987
Monographic text

Johnsonbaugh, Richard
Discrete mathematics / Richard Johnsonbaugh
New York - Macmillan, c1986
Monographic text

Johnsonbaugh, Richard
Essential discrete mathematics / Richard Johnsonbaugh
New York - McMillan, 1987
Monographic text

Johnston, David
The rhetoric of "Leviathan" - Thomas Hobbes and the politics of cultural transformation / David Johnston
Princeton - Princeton university, c1986
Monographic text

Johnston, David
The rhetoric of Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes and the politics of cultural transformation / David Johnston
Princeton, NJ - Princeton university press, copyr. 1986
Monographic text

Johnston, David T.
Further development of a one-dimensional unsteady euler code for wave rotor applications - March 1987 / thesis by David T. Johnston ; thesis advisor Ray P. Shreeve
Monterey, California - Naval postgraduate school, (1987)
Monographic text

Johnston, Douglas M.
The international law of fisheries - a framework for policy-oriented inquiries / by Douglas M. Johnston
New Haven - New Haven ; Dordrecht - M. Nijhoff, c1987
Monographic text

Johnston, Edward
Lessons in formal writing / Edward Johnston ; edited by Heather Child & Justin Howes
New York - Taplinger, c1986
Monographic text

Johnston, Henry Edwin (Jr.)
The pragmatics of Catalan nationalism from dormancy to mass mobilization / Johnston, Henry Edwin, jr
Ann Arbor (MI) - University Microfilms International, 1986
Monographic text

Johnston, Jerome
Electronic learning - from audiotape to videodisc / Jerome Johnston
Hillsdale, N.J. - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1987
Monographic text

Johnston, Jerome
Electronic learning - from audiotape to videodisc / Jerome Johnston
Hillsdale, N.J. etc. - Erlbaum, 1987
Monographic text

Johnston, Mark D.
The spiritual locig of Ramon Llull / Mark D. Johnston
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1987
Monographic text

Johnston, Susan
Early American patchwork quilt designs / Susan Johnston
New York - Dover, 1986
Monographic text

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