Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 1807 of 2272       

Middle East Studies Association
Bulletin / Middle East Studies Association
Tucson,AZ - Middle East Studies Association of North America

Middleton, David L.
Toni Morrison - an annotated bibliography / David L. Middleton
New York ; London - Garland, ©1987
Monographic text

Middleton, John
Lugbara religion - ritual and authority among an East African people / John Middleton ; foreword by Ivan Karp
Washington D.C. - Smithsonian In. Pres, 1987
Monographic text

Midlarsky, Manus I.
The disintegration of political systems - war and revolution in comparative perspective / by Manus I. Midlarsky
Columbia - University of South Carolina press, c1986
Monographic text

Midyear Topical Symposium (1. ; 1984 ; Mobile)
Multiple regression analysis- applications in the health sciences - first midyear topical symposium, 12-16 March 1984 in Mobile, Alabama/ edited by Donald E. Herbert, Raymond H. Myers
New York - Published for the American Association of Physicists in Medicine by the American Institute of Physics, c1986
Monographic text

Mieroop, Marc - van de
Sumerian administrative documents from the reigns of Isbi-Erra and Su-Ilisu / by Marc Van De Mieroop
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, 1987
Monographic text

Mies van der Rohe Archive
The Mies van der Rohe archive / edited by Arthur Drexler ; with introductory notes by Arthur Drexler and Franz Schulze
New York - Garland, 1986-
Monographic text

Migliavacca, Giorgio
A concise postal history of Persia / Giorgio Migliavacca
(The place of publication is not referred) - Laurel international publications, 1986
Monographic text

Mikes, Jay
Basketball fundamentals - a complete mental training guide / Jay Mikes
Champaign (Ill.) - Leisure Press, 1987
Monographic text

Mikesell, John
Fiscal administration - analysis and applications for the Public Sector / John Mikesell
Chicago, Illinois - The Dorsey Press, 1986
Monographic text

Mikesell, Raymond F.
Nonfuel minerals - foreign dependence and national security / Raymond F. Mikesell
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan press, c1987
Monographic text

Mikiso, Hane
Modern Japan - a historical survey / Mikiso Hane
Boulder ; London - Westview press, copyr. 1986
Monographic text

Milanese, James J.
Process industry contingency estimation - a study of the ability to account for unforseen costs / James J. Milanese
Santa Monica - Rand corp., 1987
Monographic text

Milani, Myrna M.
The body language and emotion of cats / Myrna M. Milani
New York - Quill William Morrow, c1987
Monographic text

Milani, Myrna M.
The body language and emotion of dogs - a practical guide to the physical and behavioral display owners and dogs exchange and how to use them to create a lasting bond / Myrna M. Milani
New York - William Morrow and co., c1986
Monographic text

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