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Asphalt analysis, sulfur, mixes, and seal coats Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1986 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Asphalt materials and mixtures Washington - National research Council, Transportation research Board, 1987 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Bituminous materials, mixtures, and pavements - 4 reports - presented at the annual meeting, January 11-15, 1965 Washington - National Research Council, Highway Research Board, 1966 It's a part of > Highway research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Bridge maintenance, corrosion, joint eals, and polymer mortar materials Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1987 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Bridge needs, design, and performance Washington - National research Council, Transportation research Board, 1987 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Bus transit service strategies Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1986 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Capturing the dynamics of travel behavior Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1987 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Concrete and concrete construction Washington - Transportation Research Board, 1987 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Construction Washington - Transportation Research Board, 1987 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Design and operational effects of geometrics Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1986 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Design and performance of flexible pavements Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1986 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Durability, strenght, and analysis of culverts and tunneling machines Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1986 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Economic factors in the provision of transportation services Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1986 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Effects of temperature and water on pavement performance Washington - National research Council, Transportation research Board, 1987 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text National Research Council (U.S.) - Highway Research Board Energy demand analysis and alternative fuels Washington - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board, 1986 It's a part of > Transportation research record Monographic text |