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The effects of trade and exchange rate policies on agriculture in Nigeria / T. Ademola Oyejide Washington - International food policy research institute, 1986 Monographic text Oyer, Herbert J. Speech, language, and hearing disorders- a guide for the teacher / Herbert J. Oyer, Barbara J. Crowe, William H. Haas Boston (etc.) - College-Hill, c1987 Monographic text Oyewole, Anthony Historical dictionary of Nigeria / by A. Oyewole Metuchen, N.J. etc. - The Scarecrow Press, 1987 Monographic text Ozan, Turgut M. Applied mathematical programming for engineering and production management / Turgut Ozan Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, c1986 Monographic text Ozkarahan, Esen Database machine and database management / Esen Ozkarahan Englewood Cliffs (N.J.) - Prentice-Hall, c1986 Monographic text O'Brien, Edna Country girls trilogy and epilogue / Edna O'Brien New York - Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1986 Monographic text O'Brien, Edna The country girls trilogy and epilogue / Edna O'Brien New York (etc.) - Plume, 1987 Monographic text O'Brien, Edna Night - (a novel) / Edna O'Brien New York - Farrar Straus Giroux, 1987 Monographic text O'Collins, Gerald Jesus risen - an historical, fundamental and systematic examination of Christ's resurrection / Gerald O'Collins New York - Paulist press, c1987 Monographic text O'Connor, Flannery Conversations with Flannery O'Connor / edited by Rosemary M. Magee Jackson etc. - University press of Mississippi, 1987 Monographic text O'Connor, Flannery The correspondence of Flannery O'Connor and the Brainard Cheneys / edited by C. Ralph Stephens Jackson ; London - University Press of Mississipi, copyr. 1986 Monographic text O'Connor, James The meaning of crisis - a theoretical introduction / James O'Connor Oxford - Basil Blackwell, 1987 Monographic text O'Daly, Gerard Augustines philosophy of mind / Gerard O'Daly Berkeley - Los Angeles - University of California press, c1987 Monographic text O'Doherty, Brian Inside the white cube - the ideology of the gallery space / Brian O'Doherty ; introduction by Thomas McEvilley Santa Monica (etc. - The Lapis Press, 1986 Monographic text O'Keeffe, Georgia Georgia O'Keeffe - art and letters / Jack Cowart, Juan Hamilton ; letters selected and annotated by Sarah Greenough Washington - National Gallery of Art, copyr. 1987 Monographic text |