Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1986-1987

Page no. 1930 of 2272       

Plotkin, Sidney
Keep out - the struggle for land use control / Sidney Plotkin
Berkeley - University of California Press, c1987
Monographic text

Plous, Phyllis
Terry Winters - painting and drawing / Phyllis Plous ; with an essay by Christopher Knight
Santa Barbara - University Art Museum, c1987
Monographic text

15- Fragments / Plutarch ; edited and translated by F. H. Sandbach
Cambridge (MA) - Harvard university press ; London - Heinemann, 1987
It's a part of > Moralia - in sixteen volumes / Plutarch ; with an english translation
Monographic text

Plutarch's Moralia - in seventeen volumes
Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard university press ; London - Heinemann, 1960- .
Monographic text

Pochon, Alfred
Flonzaley quartet - favorite encore albulms. Album no. 1 / by Alfred Pochon
New York (etc.) - C. Fischer, (19..)

Pocknall, David T.
Palynomorph biozones for the Fort Union and Wasatch Formations (Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene), Powder river basin, Wyoming and Montana, USA / David T. Pocknall
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1987?)
Monographic text

Pocock, John Greville Agard
The ancient constitution and the feudal law - a study of English historical thought in the seventeenth century - a reissue with retrospect / J. G. A. Pocock
Cambridge, Mass. (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 1987, stampa 1990
Monographic text

Podgórecki, Adam
The theorems of Si-Tien / Adam Podgórecki
Chicago - Libra, 1987
Monographic text

Podolny, Walter jr.
Construction and design of cable-stayed bridges / Walter Podolny, jr and John B. Scalzi
New York - Wiley, c 1986
Monographic text

Poe, Edgar Allan
Collected works of Edgar Allan Poe / edited by Thomas Ollive Mabbott
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - Belknap press of Harward university press, 1969- .
Monographic text

Poe, Edgar Allan
3- Writings in the Broadway journal - nonfictional prose. 1, The text / Edgar Allan Poe ; edited by Burton R. Pollin
New York - Gordian press, 1986
It's a part of > Collected writings of Edgar Allan Poe
Monographic text

Poe, George
The rococo and eighteenth-century French literature - a study through Marivaux's theater / George Poe
New York (etc.) - Lang, 1987
Monographic text

Poehlman, John Milton
Breeding field crops / John Milton Poehlman
Westport, Conn - AVI, c1987
Monographic text

Poglietti, Alessandro
6- Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung, Mus. Hs. 19248 - the "Rossignolo" autograph / Alessandro Poglietti ; introduction by C. David Harris
New York ; London - Garland, 1987
It's a part of > 17. century keyboard music - sources central to the keyboard art of the Baroque / general editor Alexander Silbiger

Pogue, Forrest C.
George C. Marshall - statesman, 1945-1959 / Forrest C. Pogue ; foreword by Drew Middleton
New York - Viking, 1987
Monographic text

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