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Los Angeles - Michael Kohn, c1988 Monographic text Carnegie / Academic Catalog of the Carnegie Institution of Washington Washington - Carnegie Institution, 1982- Magazine Carnegie International - November 5, 1988-January 22, 1989 / John Caldwell, curator Pittsburgh - The Carnegie Museum of Art, 1988 Monographic text Pt. 3- Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications New York - IEEE, 1989 It's a part of > Information processing systems - local area networks Monographic text Cars - the new and different automobile magazine Greenwich (Connecticut) - Fawcett publication, 1953- Magazine Carte italiane - a journal of Italian studies Los Angeles - UCLA, Department of Italian, 1980- Magazine Cartoons magazine , Chicago - s. n. Magazine The Carver's art - medieval sculpture in ivory, bone, and horn - September 10-November 21, 1989, the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey / edited by Archer St. Clair and Elizabeth Parker McLachlan New Brunswick, N.J. - Rutgers, ©1989 Monographic text The Cary arboretum of the New York botanical garden Millbrook - New York botanical garden, 1971- Magazine 2- Cascades and intermountain west / edited by Charles E. Chapin and Jiri Zidek Socorro - New Mexico Bureau of mines & mineral resources, 1989 It's a part of > Field excursions to volcanic terranes in the western United States / edited by Charles E. Chapin and Jiri Zidek Monographic text Case analysis and fundamentals of legal writing / William P. Statsky, R. John Wernet jr St. Paul etc. - West publishing, c1989 Monographic text 2- The case of Africa / Dennis L. Bark, editor Stanford - Hoover Institution press, c1988 It's a part of > The Red orchestra / Dennis L. Bark, editor Monographic text 1- Case studies / edited by D. C. Adriano and M. Havas New York etc. - Springer, copyr. 1989 It's a part of > Acid precipitation Monographic text 1- Case studies / editors Hilary Sims Feldstein and Susan V. Poats West Hartford - Kumarian press, c1989 It's a part of > Working together - gender analysis in agriculture / editors Hilary Sims Feldstein and Susan V. Poats Monographic text Case studies in ethics and medical rehabilitation / edited by Janet Haas, Arthur L. Caplan, Daniel Callahan New York ; The Hastings center, c 1988 Monographic text |