Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1988-1989

Page no. 1850 of 2484       

Lagace, Paul A.
2- / Paul A. Lagace editor
It's a part of > Composite materials - fatigue and fracture
Monographic text

Lagemann, Ellen Condliffe
The politics of knowledge - the Carnegie corporation, philantrophy, and public policy / Ellen Condliffe Lagemann
Middletown (Connecticut) - Wesleyan university press, 1989
Monographic text

Lagerstrom, Paco Axel
Matched asymptotic expansions - ideas and techniques / P. A. Lagerstrom
New York etc. - Springer-Verlag, c1988
Monographic text

Lagnese, John E.
Boundary stabilization of thin plates / John E. Lagnese
Philadelphia - Society for Industrial and applied mathematics, 1989
Monographic text

Lahiere, Richard Joseph
Mass transfer and hydraulic characteristics of a supercritical fluid sieve tray extractor / Lahiere Richard Joseph
Ann Arbor (MI) - UMI, 1988
Monographic text

Laidler, David
Introduction to microeconomics / David Laidler and Saul Estrin
New York etc. - P. Allan, 1989
Monographic text

Laing, Ellen Johnston
The winking owl - art in the People's Republic of China / Ellen Johnston Laing
Berkeley - University of California Press, c1988
Monographic text

Laird, Holly A.
Self and sequence - the poetry of D. H. Lawrence / Holly A. Laird
Charlottesville - University Press of Virginia, 1988
Monographic text

Laird, Marsa
Linear-style cylinder seals of the akkadian to post-akkadian periods / Laird Marsa
Ann Arbor - University Microfilm International, 1984
Monographic text

Laird, Philip D.
Learning from good and bad data / by Philip D. Laird
Boston - Kluwer Academic, 1988
Monographic text

Lake Mohonk Conference on international arbitration (14. ; 1908)
Report of the...annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration... / reported by Lilian D. Powers
Albany - Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration

Lake, Anthony
Somoza falling / Anthony Lake
Boston - Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989
Monographic text

Lake, David
Power, protection and free trade - international sources of U.S. commercial strategy, 1887-1939 / David A. Lake
Ithaca etc. - Cornell University, 1988
Monographic text

Lake, Larry W.
Enhanced oil recovery / Larry W. Lake
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice Hall, c1989
Monographic text

Lake, Paul
Another kind of travel / Paul Lake
Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago, 1988
Monographic text

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