Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1988-1989

Page no. 2199 of 2484       

Ruffo, Vincenzo (ca. 1510-1587)
Il primo libro de madrigali a cinque voci - (Venice, 1553) / Vincenzo Ruffo ; edited by Maureen E. Buja
New York ; London - Garland, 1988

Ruffo, Vincenzo (ca. 1510-1587)
Il primo libro de motetti a cinque voci - (Milan, 1542) / Vincenzo Ruffo ; edited by Richard Sherr
New York - London, 1988

Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan
Teaching thinking across the curriculum / Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
New York (etc.) - Harper & Row, c1988
Monographic text

Ruhl, Charles
On monosemy - a study in linguistic semantic / Charles Ruhl
Albany- State university of New York, c1989
Monographic text

Ruhl, Janet
The programmers survival guide - career strategies for computer professionals / Janet Ruhl ; foreword by Edward Yourdon
Englewood Cliffs - Yourdon Press, c1989
Monographic text

Ruiz, Juan (arcipreste de Hita)
Libro del arcipreste, (también llamado Libro de buen amor) / Juan Ruiz ; edición sinóptica de Anthony N. Zahareas (con la colaboración de Thomas McCallum)
Madison - Hispanic seminary of medieval studies, 1989
Monographic text

Ruiz, Maria Cecilia
Literatura y politica - el Libro de los estados y el Libro de las armas de don Juan Manuel / Maria Cecilia Ruiz
Potomac - Scripta Humanistica, 1989
Monographic text

Ruiz, Ramon Eduardo
The people of Sonora and yankee capitalists / Ramon Eduardo Ruiz
Tucson - University of Arizona Press, c1988
Monographic text

Rukstad, Michael G.
Macroeconomic decision making in the world economy - text and cases / Michael G. Rukstad
Chicago - Dryden Press, c1989
Monographic text

Rule, James B.
Theories of civil violence / James B. Rule
Berkeley - University of California press, c1988
Monographic text

Rumbarger, John J.
Profits, power, and prohibition - alcohol reform and the industrializing of America, 1800-1930 / John J. Rumbarger
Albany - State University of New York Press, copyr. 1989
Monographic text

Rumelhart, David E.
1- Foundations / David E. Rumelhard, James McClelland and PDP Research Group
Cambridge (Massachusetts) ; London (England) - The MIT Press, 1989
It's a part of > Parallel distributed processing - explorations in the microstructure of cognition / James L. McClelland, David E. Rumelhart and the PDP Research Group ... et al.
Monographic text

Rumelhart, David E.
Parallel distributed processing - exploration in the microstructure of cognition / David E. Rumelhart, James L. McClelland and the PDP research group
Cam bridge (Mass.) ; London - The MIT press, cop. 1986-
Monographic text

Rumer, Boris Z.
Soviet Central Asia - a tragic experiment / Boris Z. Rumer
Boston (etc.) - Unwin Hyman, 1989
Monographic text

Rummel, Jack
Malcolm X - (militant black leader / Jack Rummel
Dunbury, Con. - Scholastic, c1989
Monographic text

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