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New York etc. - Wiley, c1991 It's a part of > Handbook of microwave and optical components / editor-in-chief Kai Chang Monographic text Fiber optic sensors - an introduction for engineers and scientists / edited by Eric Udd New York etc. - Wiley, c1991 Monographic text Fiber optics handbook - for engineering and scientists / Frederick C. Allard editor New York etc. - McGrow-Hill, c1990 Monographic text Fiber reinforced ceramic composites - materials, processing and technology / Edited by K.S. Mazdiyasni Park Ridge, NJ - Noyes, c1990 Monographic text Fiber-reinforced cementitious materials - symposium held November 26-28, 1990, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / editors- Sidney Mindess, Jan Skalny Pittsburg - MRS, c1991 Monographic text The Fibonacci quarterly - the official journal of the Fibonacci Association (Santa Clara, CA) - Fibonacci Association, 1963- Magazine Fibrinogen, thrombosis, coagulation and fibrinolysis / edited by Chung Yuan Liu and Shu Chien New York, N.Y. ; London - Plenum press, (©1990 It's a part of > Advances in experimental medicine and biology - AEMB Monographic text The fibroblast growth factor family / edited by Andrew Baird and Michael Klagsbrun New York, NY - The New York Academy of sciences, 1991 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text The fibroblast growth factor family / edited by Andrew Baird and Michael Klagsbrun New York, N.Y. - New York academy of sciences, 1991 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text Fichier Augustinien / Institut des Études Augustiniennes, Paris Boston - Hall, 1972- Monographic text Fiction New York - Fiction c/o Department of English, The City College, 1972 - Magazine Fiction catalog / edited by Juliette Yaakov and John Greenfieldt New York - Wilson, 1991 Monographic text The fiction of Anne Tyler / edited by C. Ralph Stephens Jackson - University Press of Mississippi, 1990 Monographic text Fiction, 1876-1983 - a bibliography of United States editions New York ; London - Bowker, c1983 Monographic text Fictions of the French revolution / edited by Bernadette Fort Evanston, Il. - Northwestern university press, 1991 Monographic text |