Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1990-1991

Page no. 845 of 2709       

Novel peripheral neurotransmitters / specialist subject editor, Christopher Bell
New York ?etc.? - Pergamon press, c1991
Monographic text

The novels and related works / of Charles Brockden Brown
The place of publication is not referred - Kent State University Press, 1977-
Monographic text

November 1938 - from Reichskristallnacht to Genocide / edited by Walter H. Pehle ; translated from the German by William Templer
New York ; Oxford - Berg, 1991
Monographic text

Novon - a journal for botanical nomenclature from the Missouri botanical garden
St. Louis - Missouri botanical garden, 1991-

NRSV exhaustive concordance - main concordance, index of articles, conjunctions, prepositions, index of alternate and "literal" translations ... (etc.) / editorial consulting and introduction by Bruce M. Metzger
Nashville - Nelson, c1991
Monographic text

NUC. Books / Library of congress
(Washington - Library of congress, 1983)-

Nuclear and particle physics annual
New York (etc.) - Gordon and Breach, 1967-

Nuclear cardiovascular imaging - current clinical practice / edited by Milton J. Guiberteau
New York etc. - Churchill Livingstone, 1990
Monographic text

Nuclear data sheets
Vol. 6, n. 1(July 1971)-

Nuclear data sheets
V. 7 (1972)-

Nuclear diplomacy and crisis management / edited by Sean M. Lynn-Jones, Steven E. Miller, Stephen Van Evera
Cambridge Mass. - MIT Press, 1990
Monographic text

The nuclear fission process / editor Cyriel Wagemans
Boca Raton etc. - CRC press, c1991
Monographic text

The nuclear instruments and their uses / Arthur H. Snell editor
New York ; London - Wiley
Monographic text

Nuclear medicine
New York, NY - Gordon & Breach science publishers, (©1990-

Nuclear safety
Washington - U.S. Department of energy, 1959-1997

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