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The place of publication is not referred - University publications of America, c1991 It's a part of > ?Ser. B- ?Turkey, Iran, and the Middle East - 1918-1939 / editor Robin Bidwell Monographic text Persistence of vision - the journal of the Film Faculty of the City University of New York New York - City University of New York, 1984-1997 Magazine Persistent inequalities - women and world development / edited by Irene Tinker New York ; Oxford - Oxford Univ. Press, 1990 Monographic text Person schemas and maladaptive interpersonal patterns / edited by Mardi J. Horowitz Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago Press, 1991 Monographic text Personality - symposia on topical issues - a quarterly journal Vol.1, n.1 (January 1951)- Magazine Personality and disease / edited by Howard S. Friedman New York etc. - John Wiley & Sons, c1990 Monographic text Personality and organizational influence / edited by Barry M.Staw, L.L.Cumming s Greenwich (Connecticut) ; London - Jai press, 1990 Monographic text Personality and social psychology bulletin / Society for personality and social psychology Thousand Oaks - Sage Publications Magazine Personality and social psychology bulletin - Journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Division 8 of the American Psychological Association) Beverly Hills - Published for the Society by Sage Publications, 1975- Magazine Personality disorders - new perspectives on diagnostic validity / edited by John M. Oldham Washington, DC ; London - American psychiatric press, (©1991 It's a part of > Progress in psychiatry series Monographic text Personality, psychopathology and psychotherapy Orlando - Academic Press, 1985- Magazine Personality, social skills, and psychopathology - an individual differences approach / edited by David G. Gilbert and James J. Connolly New York ; London - Plenum Press, c1991 Monographic text Personnel journal Swarthmore (PN) - published by the Personnel journal, 1927- Magazine Personnel psychology - a journal of applied research Durham, N.C. - Personnel psychology, 1948- Magazine Perspecta - the Yale architectural journal New Haven, Conn. - Schools of Architecture & Design, Yale University, 1952- Magazine |