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Geophysicists - a directory of AGU members (The place of publication is not referred) - American geophysical union, 1991 Monographic text American heart association Textbook of pediatric advanced life support / American Heart Association ; American Academy of Pediatrics (The place of publication is not referred) - American Heart Association, c 1990 Monographic text American hospital formulary service AHFS drug information ... / American hospital formulary service Bethesda - American society of hospital pharmacists, (1984)- Magazine American Independent Feature Film Market (12. ; 1990 ; New York) The 12th Independent Feature film market - tuesday, October 2 - Friday, October 12 (New York - American Independent Feature Film Market, s.d. Monographic text American Independent Feature Film Market (13. ; 1991 ; New York) The 13th Independent feature film market - tuesday, september 24 - thursday, october 3, 1991 (New York - American Indipendent Feature Film Market, 1991 Monographic text American institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (Washington) - Book and paper group Paper conservation catalog / the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, Book and Paper Groop Washington - American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1990 Monographic text American institute of aeronautics and astronautics Heat transfer in combustion systems 1990 - presented at AIAA/ASME thermophisics and heat transfer conference, June 18-20, 1990 Seattle, Washington / sponsored by the Heat Transfer Division, ASME ; edited by B. Farouk ... (and others) New York - the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1990 Monographic text American institute of aeronautics and astronautics Numerical heat transfer - (papers) presented at AIAA/ASME Thermophysics and heat transfer Conference, June 18-20, 1990, Seattle, Washington / sponsored by the Heat transfer Division, ASME ; edited by K. Vafai, J.L.S. Chen New York - The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, copyr. 1990 Monographic text American institute of chemical engineers AICHEMI modular instruction - series E- Kinetics / American Institute of Chemical Engineers ; B.L. Crynes and H.S. Fogler, series editors New York - American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1981 Magazine American institute of chemical engineers - Equipment testing procedures committee Packed columns - a guide to performance evaluation / Equipment testing procedures committee New York - American institute of chemical engineers, c1990 Monographic text American institute of electrical engineers Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part 3- Power Apparatus and Systems New York - American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1952-1962 Magazine American Italian historical association Italian Americans celebrate life - the arts and popular culture - selected essays from the 22nd annual conference of the American Italian Historical Association 1989 / editors Paola A. Sensi Isolani, Anthony Julian Tamburri Staten Island ? - American Italian Historical Association, ©1990 Monographic text American Italian historical association Italian Americans in transition - proceedings of the 21. annual conference of the American Italian historical association held at the Jphn D. Calandra Italian American Institute, the City University of New York, the Graduate School and University Center, New York, October 13-15, 1988 / edited by Joseph V. Scelsa, Salvatore J. La Gumina, Lydio Tomasi Staten Island - The American Italian Historical Association, 1990 Monographic text American law institute Foreign relations law of the United States It's a part of > Restatement of the law / as adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute Monographic text American law institute Restatement of the law / as adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute Monographic text |