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Echo and Narcissus / women's voices in classical Hollywood cinema Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, 1991 Monographic text Lawrence, Susan E. The poor in court - the Legal service program and Supreme court decision making / Susan E. Lawrence Princeton - Princeton university press, c1990 Monographic text Lawrence, T. E. The letters of T.E. Lawrence / selected and edited by Malcolm Brown Oxford - Oxford university, 1991 Monographic text Lawrie, Jan D. A unified grand tour of theoretical physics / Jan D. Lawrie Bristol ; New York - Adam Hilger, copyr. 1990 Monographic text Lawry, John D. Guide to the History of Psychology / John D. Lawry Lanham etc. - University Press of America, c1991 Monographic text Lawry, Mark H. Student guide / by Mark H. Lawry , c1991 It's a part of > I-Deas Monographic text Lawry, Steven W. Tenure and alley farming in the humid zone of West Africa - final report of research in Cameroon, Nigeria, and Togo / by Steven W. Lawry and Douglas M. Stienbarger Madison - Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991 Monographic text Lawson, Alexander S. Anatomy of a typeface / Alexander Lawson Boston - D. R. Godine, 1990 Monographic text Lawson, Chester A. Programed genetics / Chester A. Lawson, Mary Alice Burmester Boston - D.C. Heath and Company, c1963- Monographic text Lawson, Edward Encyclopedia of human rights / Edward Lawson ; with a foreword by Jan Martenson New York {etc.} - Taylor & Francis, c 1991 Monographic text Lawson, Steven F. Running for freedom - civil rights and black politics in America since 1941 / Steven F. Lawson New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1991 Monographic text Lawton, David Faith, text and history - the Bible in English / David Lawton New York - Harvester Wheatsheaf, c1990 Monographic text Lawton, Thomas A time of transition - two collectors of Chinese art / Thomas Lawton The place of publication is not referred - Spencer Museum of Art - The University of Kansas, c1991 Monographic text Lawvere, F. William Conceptual mathematics - a first introduction to categories / F. W. Lawvere, S. H. Schanuel ; with assistance of Emilio Faro and Fatima Fenaroli, Danilo Lawvere and our students at the University at Buffalo New York - Buffalo Workshop Press, 1991 Monographic text Lax, Peter Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and the mathematical theory of shock waves / Peter D. Lax Philadelphia - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1990 Monographic text |