Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1990-1991

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McGegor, Freddie
Bobby Bobylon / Freddie McGregor
Usa - Poli-Rhytm, (1991)
Audio recording

Mcghee, Terence J.
Water supply and sewerage / Terence J. McGhee
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, 1991
Monographic text

Mcghee, Walter Brown
Brownie's blues / Brownie McGhee
(Berkeley) - Prestige - Fantasy, (1990)
Audio recording

Mcghee, Walter Brown
Brownies Blues / Brownie McGhee
U.S.A. - Original Blues Classics, (1990?)
Audio recording

McGillem, Clare D.
Continuous and discrete signal and system analysis / Clare D. McGillem, George R. Cooper
Philadelphia etc. - Saunders College, c1991
Monographic text

McGillem, Clare D.
Continuous and discrete signal and system analysis / Clare D. McGillem, George R. Cooper
New York (etc.) - Oxford university press, c1991
Monographic text

McGillivray, Murray
Memorization in the transmission of the Middle English romances / Murray McGillivray
New York etc. - Garland, 1990
Monographic text

McGinn, Robert E.
Science, technology, and society / Robert E. McGinn
Englewood Cliffs (N. J.) - Prentice hall, ©1991
Monographic text

McGinnity, Frank A.
Application of an entropy analysis to four-cycle engine simulation / Frank A. McGinnity, Roy Douglas and Gordon P. Blair
Werrendale, PA - Society of Automotive Engineers, 1990
Monographic text

McGlasham, Don
An Angel at My Table - original soundtrack recording / original score composed by Don McGlashan
New York - DRG Records, c1991
Audio recording

McGlatery, James M.
Mysticism and Sexuality E.T.A. Hoffmann / James M. McGlathery
Las Vegas- P. Lang, 1981-
Monographic text

McGlathery, James M.
Fairy tale romance - the Grimms, Basile and Perrault / James M. McGlathery
Urbana etc. - University of Illinois press, ©1991
Monographic text

McGlown, David J.
Developmental reflexive rehabilitation / David J. McGlown
New York (etc.) - Taylor & Francis, c1990
Monographic text

McGowan, Christopher
Dinosaurs, spitfires, and sea dragons / Christopher McGowan
Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University Press, 1991
Monographic text

McGowan, John
Postmodernism and its critics / John McGowan
Ithaca, N.Y. ; London - Cornell University Press, 1991
Monographic text

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