Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1990-1991

Page no. 2198 of 2709       

Nagy, Gregory
Pindars Homer - the lyric possession of an epic past / Gregory Nagy
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University Press, c1990
Monographic text

NAGY, Marilyn
Philosophical issues in the psychology of C.G. Jung / Marilyn Nagy
Albany - State University of New York Press, c1991
Monographic text

Nagy, Steven
Fruits of tropical and subtropical origin - composition, properties and uses / edited by Steven Nagy, Philip E. Shaw, Wilfred F. Wardowski
Lake Alfred - Florida science source, ©1990
Monographic text

Nahata, Milap C.
Drug pediatric formulations / Milap C. Nahata and Thomas F. Hipple
Cincinnati - Harvey Whitney Books Co., c1990
Monographic text

Nahon, Daniel
Introduction to the petrology of soils and chemical weathering / Daniel B. Nahon
New York - Wiley, c1991
Monographic text

Naim, Abd Allah Ahmad
Toward an Islamic reformation - civil liberties, human rights, and international law / Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im ; foreword by John Voll
Syracuse, N.Y. - Syracuse university, 1990
Monographic text

Annals of the Turkish Empire from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian era / by Naima
New York - Arno Press, 1973
Monographic text

Naipaul, V. S.
Guerrillas / V. S. Naipaul
New York - Vintage, 1990
Monographic text

Naisbitt, John
Megatrends 2000 - ten new directions for the 1990's / John Naisbitt and Patricia Aburdene
New York - William Morrow and Company, 1990
Monographic text

Najt, Paul M.
An *Exerimental and computational evaluation of two dual-intake-valve combustion chambers / Paul M. Najt and Tang-Wei Kuo
Society of Automotive Engineers, 1990
Monographic text

Nakagawa, Ryoichi
From aircraft to automobiles and automotive electronics - remembrances of an internal combustion engineer / Ryoichi Nakagawa
Warrendale, PA - Society of automotive engineers, 1990
Monographic text

Nakahashi, Kazuhiro
Optimum spacing control of the marching grid generation / Kazuhiro Nakahashi
Reston (VA) - AIAA, 1991
Monographic text

Nakai, R. Carlos
Desert dance / R. Carlos Nakai
Tucson (Arizona) - Celestial Harmonies, (1990)
Audio recording

Nakamura, Hideo
An *Axle torque control scheme to achieve various desired characteristics / Hideo Nakamura, Hidehiro Minami and Toshimi Abo
Warrendale, PA - Society of Automotive Engineers
Monographic text

Nakamura, Koichiro
Pycnogonida from waters adjacent to Japan / Koichiro Nakamura and C. Allan Child
Washington - Smithsonian Institution press, 1991
It's a part of > Smithsonian contributions to zoology
Monographic text

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