Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1990-1991

Page no. 2206 of 2709       

National science board
Science and technology integration in Europe and influences on U.S.-European cooperation - a report of the National science board, Committee on Europe in 1992
Washington D. C. - National science foundation, 1990
Monographic text

National Symposium New Crops Research Development Economics (1 ; 1988 ; Indianapolis)
Advances in new crops - proceedings of the First National Symposium NEW CROPS, Research, Development, Economics, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 23-26, 1988 / edited by Jules Janick and James E. Simon
Portland, Or - Timber Press, c1990
Monographic text

National thermal spray conference (3. ; 1990 ; Long Beach)
Thermal spray research and applications - proceedings of the 3rd National Thermal Spray Conference, Long Beach, California, 20-25 May 1990 / edited by Thomas F. Bernecki
Materials Park, Ohio - ASM International, c1991
Monographic text

NATO advanced research workshop on physicochemical properties of zeolitic systems and their low dimensionality (1989 ; Chantilly)
Guidelines for mastering the properties of molecular sieves - relationship between the physicochemical properties of zeolitic systems and their low dimensionality / edited by Denise Barthomeuf, Eric G. Derouane and Wolfgang Holderich
New York ; London - Plenum press, c1990
Monographic text

NATO advanced research workshop on relaxation in complex systems and related topics (1989 ; Torino)
Relaxation in complex systems and related topics / edited by Ian A. Campbell and Carlo Giovannella
New York ; London - Plenum press, c1990
Monographic text

Nato advanced study institute on nonequilibrium processes in partially ionized gases (1989 ; Acquafredda di Matera)
Nonequilibrium processes in partially ionized gases / edited by Mario Capitelli and J. Norman Bardsley
New York ; London - Plenum press, c1990
Monographic text

Nattier, Jan
Once upon a future time - studies in a Buddhist prophecy of decline / Jan Nattier
Berkeley, Calif. - Asian humanities, ©1991
Monographic text

Nattiez, Jean-Jacques
Music and discourse - toward a semiology of music / Jean-Jacques Nattiez ; translated by Carolyn Abbate
Princeton - Princeton University Press, ©1990
Monographic text

Natural history museum of Los Angeles county
Catalog of the Isopod Crustacea - type collection of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County / Regina Wetzer ... (and others)
Los Angeles - Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1991
It's a part of > Technical reports / Natural history museum of Los Angeles county
Monographic text

Natural history museum of Los Angeles county
Natural history Museum of Los Angeles county report, 1987-1989 / edited by Robin A. Simpson
Los Angeles - Natural history museum Fondation, c1990
Monographic text

Nau, Henry R.
The myth of America s decline - leading the world economy into the 1990s / Henry R. Nau
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university press, c1990
Monographic text

Nau, Henry R.
The myth of America's decline - leading the world economy into the 1990s / Enry R. Nau
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university press, 1990
Monographic text

Naugle, Matthew G.
Local area networking / Matthew G. Naugle
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1991
Monographic text

Nauman, E. B.
Introductory systems analysis for process engineers / E. B. Nauman
Stoneham, MA - Butterworths-Heinemann, copyr. 1990
Monographic text

Naval Observatory (Washington, United States of America)
The astronomical almanac for the year 1991 - data for astronomy, space sciences, geodesy, surveying, navigation and other application / Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval Observatory
Washington- US Government Pri nting Office ; London- Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1991
Monographic text

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