Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1990-1991

Page no. 2257 of 2709       

O'Hara, Shelley
Easy WordPerfect / Shelley O'Hara
Carmel - Que, 1991
Monographic text

O'Keeffe, Georgia
Georgia O'Keeffe / Nancy Frazier
New York - Crescent books, c1990
Monographic text

O'Keeffe, Georgia
Lovingly Georgia - the complete corrispondence of Georgia O'Keeffe and Anita Pollitzer / edited by Clive Giboire, introduction by Benita Eisler
New York (etc.) - Touchstone Book, 1990
Monographic text

O'Neill, Eugene
Conversations with Eugene O'Neill / edited by Mark W. Estrin
Jackson ; London - University Press of Mississippi, copyr. 1990
Monographic text

O'Toole, James M.
Understanding archives and manuscripts / James M. O'Toole
Chicago, Illinois - Society of American Archivists, 1990
Monographic text

O'Toole, Robert F.
Who Is a Christian? - a study in Pauline Ethics / by Robert F. O'Toole
Collegeville, Minnesota - A Michael Glazier Book, 1990
Monographic text

Paasivirta, Jaakko
Chemical ecotoxicology / Jaakko Paasivirta
Chelsea - Lewis, c1991
Monographic text

Pacelle, Richard L. (jr.)
The transformation of the supreme court's agenda - from the new deal to the Reagan administration / Richard L. Pacelle, Jr
Boulder - Westview Press, c1991
Monographic text

Pacelle, Richard L. (jr.)
The transformation of the Supreme courts agenda - from the new deal to the Reagan administration / Richard L. Pacelle, Jr
Boulder etc. - Westwiew press, c1991
Monographic text

Pacey, Arnold
Technology in world civilization - a thousand year history / Arnold Pacey
Cambridge (Mass.) - The Mit press, c1990
Monographic text

Pacey, Arnold
Technology in world civilization - a thousand-year history / Arnold Pacey
Oxford - Basil Blackwell, 1990
Monographic text

Pach, Chester J.
The presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower / Chester J. Pach, Jr. and Elmo Richardson
Lawrence - University press of Kansas, c 1991
Monographic text

PACH, Chester J. (jr.)
Arming the free world - the origins of the US military assistance program - 1945-1950 / Chester J. Pach, Jr
Chapel Hill ; London - The University of North Carolina Press, c1991
Monographic text

PACH, Chester J. (jr.)
Dwight D. Eisenhower / Chester J. Pach and Elmo Richardson
Lawrence - University Press of Kansas, c1991
Monographic text

Pack, Robert
The long view - essays on the discipline of hope and poetic craft / Robert Pack
Amherst - University of Massachusetts press, c1991
Monographic text

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