Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1990-1991

Page no. 2358 of 2709       

Roberts, Paul Craig
Meltdown - inside the soviet economy / Paul Craig Roberts and Karen LaFollette
Washington - CATO institute, c1990
Monographic text

Roberts, Simon
Solar electricity - a practical guide to designing and installing small photovoltaic systems / Simon Roberts
New York - Prentice Hall, 1991
Monographic text

Roberts, Thomas John
An aesthetics of junk fiction / Thomas J. Roberts
Athens ; London - University of Georgia press, c1990
Monographic text

Roberts, Tom
The three little pigs / adapted by Tom Roberts ; illustrated by David Jorgensen
Westport - Rabbit Ears Books, c1990
Monographic text

Roberts, Verne L.
Bibliotheca mechanica / by Verne L. Roberts & Ivy Trent
New York City - J. A. Hill, c1991
Monographic text

Roberts, Willard Lincoln
Encyclopedia of minerals / Willard Lincoln Roberts, Thomas J. Campbell, George Robert Rapp, Jr. ; photo editor Wendell E. Wilson
New York - Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1990
Monographic text

Roberts, Willard Lincoln
Encyclopedia of minerals / Willard Lincoln Roberts, Thomas J. Campbell, George Robert Rapp, jr. ; photo editor- Wendell E. Wilson
New York (etc. - Chapman & Hall, ©1990
Monographic text

Robertson, Elizabeth
Early English devotional prose and the female audience / Elizabeth Robertson
Knoxville - University of Tennessee, c1990
Monographic text

Robertson, Jeffrey D.
Plastic surgery malpractice and damages / Jeffrey D. Robertson, William T. Keavy
New York etc. - Wiley, c1990
Monographic text

Robertson, Malcom J.
Directory of world futures and options - a guide to international futures and options exchanges and products / Malcom J. Robertson
New York etc. - Woodhead-Faulkner, 1990
Monographic text

Robertson, Robbie
Storyville / Robbie Robertson
Santa Monica - Geffen Records, 1991
Audio recording

Robertson, Robert
Pt.6- Gastropoda - Mesogastropoda- Viviparacea, Valvatacea, Littorinacea, Rissoacea (part 1- Adeorbidae, Amnicolidae...) / Robert Robertson ... (and others)
(Philadelphia - Academy of natural sciences), 1991
It's a part of > Catalog of the types of neontological Mollusca of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia
Monographic text

Robertson, William H.
An illustrated history of contraception - a concise account of the quest for fertility control / William H. Robertson
Carnforth, Lancs ; Park Ridge, New Jersey - The Parthenon publishing group, 1990
Monographic text

Robertssen, Lowell
Remembering the women of the Vietnam war / Lowell Robertssen
Eden Prairie (Minn.) - Tessera Publishing, 1990
Monographic text

Robertus - de Handlo
Regule = The rules / Robertus de Handlo . Summa = The summa / Johannes Hanboys - a new critical text and translation on facing pages, with an introduction, annotations, and indices verborum and nominum et rerum
Lincoln ; London - University of Nebraska Prees, c 1991
Monographic text

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