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Engineering bulletin - soil washing treatment / Environmental protection agency Washington - Environmental protection agency, 1990 Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - Environmental protection agency Engineering bulletin - solvent extraction treatment / Environmental protection agency Cincinnati - Environmental protection agency, 1990 Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - Environmental protection agency Solvent waste reduction / by U.S. Environmental protection agency, ICF consulting associates Park Ridge - Noyes data corporation, c1990 Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - Environmental protection agency Technologies for upgrading existing or designing new drinking water treatment facilities / Office of drinking water, Center for environmental research information, U.S. Environmental protection agency Lancaster - Basel - Technomic, (1990?) Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - Environmental protection agency Users guide for the urban airshed model / United States Environmental protection agency, Office of air quality planning and standards Springfield - U. S. Department of commerce, National technical information service, 1990 Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - General accounting office Management practices - U.S. companies improve performance through quality efforts - GAO report to the Honorable Donald Ritter, House of Representatives / United States General accounting office Washington - General accounting office, 1991 Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - National Archives Federal Register / The National Archives of the United States Washington - Government Printing Office, 1937- Magazine Stati Uniti d'America - National bureau of standards National electrical safety code Washington - National Bureau of Standards, 1972- . Monographic text Stati uniti d'America - Postal service Stamp value / United States postal service Washington - U.S. Postal service, c1991 It's a part of > The Postal service guide to U.S. stamps Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - Senate Senate reports. Miscellaneous reports on public bills - ... congress, ... session Washington - United states government printing office, 1955- Magazine Stati Uniti d'America - State Department - Policy Planning staff The State Department Policy Planning Staff papers - 1947-1949 / introduction by Anna Kasten Nelson ; foreword by George F. Kennan New York ; London- Garland Pub, 1983 Monographic text Stati Uniti d'America - Supreme court Wests Supreme court reporter - a unity of the National reporter system - cases argued and determined in the Supreme court of the United States St. Paul (Minn.) - West, 1988- Magazine Statistical office of the United Nations - Department of the United nations Statistical yearbook 1969 / Statistical office of the United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs New York - United Nations, 1970. 30 cm Magazine Statt, David A. The concise dictionary of management / David A. Statt London ; New York - Routledge, 1991 Monographic text STATTIN, Hakan Pubertal maturation in female development / Hakan Stattin, David Magnusson Hillsdale ; London - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1990 Monographic text |