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San Diego - Academic press, (1992 It's a part of > ? ?Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / Robert A. Meyers, editor Monographic text 18 / edited by E. I. Givargizov and S. A. Grinberg ; tranlated by Dennis W. Wester New York ; London - Consultants Bureau, 1992 It's a part of > Growth of crystals / A.V. Shubnikov and N.N. Sheftal', editors ; poi E. I. Givargizov and A. M. Melnikova Monographic text 18 / Editor-in-chief James Wei ; editors John L. Anderson ... (and others) Boston (etc.) - Academic Press, c1992 It's a part of > Advances in chemical engineering / edited by Thomas B. Drew ... (et al.) Monographic text 18 houses / edited by Jude LeBlanc New York - Princeton Architectural Press, 1992 Monographic text 18- 1986 May 8 - 1987 apr 25 Greenbelt - Goddard Space Flight Center, 1992 It's a part of > Comet Halley Archive / International Halley Watch ; NASA ; (edited by) Malcom B. Niedner ... (et. al) - Greenbelt - Goddard Space Flight Center, 1992 Monographic text 18- Education-Evolution Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1992 It's a part of > Macropaedia - knowledge in depht Monographic text 18- Index / Robert A. Meyers, editor San Diego - Academic press, (1992 It's a part of > ? ?Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / Robert A. Meyers, editor Monographic text 18- M to Mexico City Danbury, CT - Grolier, ©1992 It's a part of > The encyclopedia Americana - international edition Monographic text 18- Sur-Typ It's a part of > McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology - an international reference work in twenty volumes including an index Monographic text 18th century women playwrights Charlottesville (VA) - InteLex, c1992 Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PAR 0759695) 19. century music Berkeley - University of California press, c1977- Magazine 1979 to 1982; September 12, 1979-March 3, 1982; 85,001-86,600 Chicago - Commerce clearing house, c1979-c1982 It's a part of > Government contracts reporter. Transfer binder - boards of contract appeals - developments - boards of contract appeals decisions with case table Monographic text 1982 to 1986; March 10, 1982-January 23, 1986; 86,601-87,805; 89,250-91,002 Chicago - Commerce clearing house, c1982-c1987 It's a part of > Government contracts reporter. Transfer binder - boards of contract appeals - developments - boards of contract appeals decisions with case table Monographic text 1983 to 1986; 94,000 to 94,270 Chicago - Commerce clearing house, c1983-c1986 It's a part of > Government contracts reporter. Transfer binder - developments Monographic text 1986 to 1988; 94,271 to 94,600 Chicago - Commerce clearing house, c1986-c1989 It's a part of > Government contracts reporter. Transfer binder - developments Monographic text 1989 to 1991; August 2, 1989-September 4, 1991; 93,757-96,503 Chicago - Commerce clearing house, c1989-c1992 It's a part of > Government contracts reporter. Transfer binder - boards of contract appeals - digests - boards of contract appeals decisions with topical index and case table Monographic text |