Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1992

Page no. 111 of 1641       

Amerikai magyar népszava - politikai és társadalmi napilap
New York - Berko D. Géza

Amerikanische Schweizer Zeitung - fondato nel 1868 - unico e ufficiale organo degli svizzeri in America
New York - Swiss Publishing Co. of New York

Amerikanski srbobran - sprski narodni list i organ saveza srbobrana - the serbian national paper and the organ of the s'ty srbobran
Pittsburg - Serbian Orthodox Society Srbobran

Amerikán - politický povcný a zábavný casopis
Chicago - August Geringer

Ameryka echo
Toledo - A.A. Paryski

Ammonia plant safety (and related facilities) / prepared by editors of Chemical Engineering Progress
New York - American institute of chemical engineers, 1970-

Amphipod newsletter
, N. 1 (1972)-

Amplifiers applications guide
Norwood (MA) - Analog Devices ; Englewood Cliffs, c1992
Monographic text

An International Directory of Applications / edited by Walter B. Hewlett, Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Menlo Park, CA - Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities, 1992
It's a part of > Computing in musicology - a directory of research
Monographic text

Analog integrated circuits and signal processing
Hingham - Kluwer academic, 1991-

Vol. 4- Analysis / edited by Walter Ledermann and Steven Vajda
, 1992
It's a part of > Handbook of applicable mathematics / chief editor- Walter Ledermann
Monographic text

Analysis instrumentation - Proceedings of the ... National Analysis Instrumentation Symposium
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) - Instrument Society of America

Analysis of antibiotic/drug residues in food products of animal origin / edited by Vipin K. Agarwal
New York ; London - Plenum press, c1992
Monographic text

Analysis of cross-shore movement of natural longshore bars and material placed to create longshore bars / Magnus Larson, Nicolas C. Kraus
Washington - U. S. Army, °1992
Monographic text

Analysis of dynamic psychological systems / edited by Ralph L. Levin and Hiram E. Fitzgerald
New York ; London - Plenum press, 1992
Monographic text

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