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Baltimore - The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1973- Magazine Drug metabolism reviews New York - Dekker, 1972- Magazine Drug-induced dysfunction in psychiatry / edited by Matcheri S. Keshavan, John S. Kennedy New York etc. - Hemisphere publishing corporation, c1992 Monographic text Drug-induced movement disorders / edited by Anthony E. Lang and William J. Weiner New York - Futura, c1992 Monographic text Drugs of abuse and neurobiology / edited by Ronald R. Watson Boca Raton, FL etc. - CRC press, c 1992 Monographic text Drugs of choice Saint Louis - C. V. Mosby Magazine Drugs, crime, and social isolation - barriers to urban opportunity / Adele V. Harrell and George E. Peterson, editors Washington, DC - The Urban institute press, c1992 Monographic text Drum - Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement Highland Park (Mich.) - Drum Magazine Dual city - restructuring New York / edited by John Hull Mollenkopf and Manuel Castells New York - Russel Sage foundation, 1992 Monographic text Duchenne muscular dystrophy - animal models and genetic manipulation / editors Byron A. Kakulas, John McC. Howell, Allen D. Roses New York - Raven press, ©1992 Monographic text Duke journal of comparative & international law Durham (N. C.) - Duke university school of law, c1991- Magazine Duke mathematical journal Durham - Duke university press, 1935 Magazine Dumbarton oaks inaugural lectures .. Cambridge - Marvard University Press, 1941- Magazine Dumbarton Oaks papers , N. 1, 1941 Magazine Dun's international review - a journal for the Promotion of International Trade Broadway - R.G. Dun, 1893- Magazine |