Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1992

Page no. 341 of 1641       

Food processing automation 2. - proceedings of the 1992 conference - 4-6 may 1992 Lexington, Kentucky / sponsored by Food and Process Engineering Institute
St. Joeph ; ASAE, c1992
Monographic text

Food products formulary
Westport - Avi Publishing Company, 1974
Monographic text

Food research institute studies
Stanford (CA) - Stanford university press

Food reviews international - production, processing, acceptance, nutrition & health
New York - Marcel Dekker

Food safety ... / Food Research Institute, Department of Food Microbiology and Toxicology , University of Wisconsin-Madison
New York (etc.) - M. Dekker

Food safety assessment - developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of agricultural and food chemistry at the 200. National meeting of the American chemical society - Washington, August 26-31, 1990 / John W. Finley editor, Susan F. Robinson editor, David J. Armstrong editor
Washington - American chemical society, 1992
Monographic text

Food science and technology
New York, N.Y. - M. Dekker, 1984-©2005

Food structure
Chicago, IL - Scanning microscopy international, c1990-

Food technology - an official publication of the Institute of food technologists, the Professional society of food technologists
Champaign, Ill. - Institute of food technologists poi- The Garrard press, 1947-

Food web management - a case study of Lake Mendota / editor James F. Kitchell
New York (etc. - Springer-Verlag, 1992
Monographic text

Food, crop pests, and the environment - the need and potential for biologically intensive integrated pest management / Edited by Frank G. Zalom and William E. Fry
St. Paul, Minnesota - APS press, c1992
Monographic text

Fooey - the world's craziest magazine
Chicago - Scott Publishing Company

Foot and ankle
Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins, 1980-1993

For Henry Kucera - studies in Slavic philology and computational linguistics / edited by Andrew W. Mackie, Tatyana K. McAuley, Cynthia Simmons
Ann Arbor - Michigan Slavic Publications, 1992
Monographic text

For the people's health - newspaper for patients and health workers
(Bronx (NY) - Health Revolutionary Unity Movement

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