Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1992

Page no. 404 of 1641       

IEEE transactions on energy conversion - a publication of the power engineering society / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1986-

IEEE transactions on engineering management / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1963-

IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1980-

IEEE transactions on image processing - a publication of the IEEE signal processing society / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1992-

IEEE transactions on industrial electronics
New York - IEEE, 1963

IEEE transactions on industrial electronics - a publication of the IEEE industrial electronics society / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 1982-

IEEE transactions on industry applications / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1972-

IEEE transactions on information theory - a journal devoted to the theoretical and experimental aspects of information transmission, processing and utilization / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1963-

IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement
Vol.IM-12,n.1June 1963)-

IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - published by the IEEE for the Professional technical group on instrumentation and measurement, 1963-

IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering - a publication of the IEEE computer society / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1989-

IEEE transactions on magnetics / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - published by the IEEE for the Magnetics group, 1965-

IEEE transactions on medical imaging
Vol.1, n.1(July 1982)-

IEEE transactions on medical imaging / IEEE Acoustics, speech and signal processing society
New York - IEEE, 1982-

IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1963-

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