Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1992

Page no. 574 of 1641       

New York - Matilda publications, (1972-1989)

New York - Lang communications, c1990-

Msu business topics / Michigan state university, Graduate school of business administration
East Leasing - Michigan state university, 1967-

Mucosal immunology 2.- clinical applications / Richard P. MacDermott and Charles O. Elson
Philadelphia, PA etc. - W. B. Saunders, 1992
It's a part of > Gastroenterology clinics of North America
Monographic text

Multicultural autobiography - American lives / edited by James Robert Payne
Knoxville - University of Tennessee press, c1992
Monographic text

Multicultural librarianship - an international handbook / edited for the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Section on Library Services to Multicultural Population by Marie F. Zielinska with Francis T. Kirkwood
Munchen etc. - K. G. Saur, 1992
Monographic text

Multiculturalism in the United States - a comparative guide to acculturation and ethnicity / edited by John D. Buenker and Lorman A. Ratner
New York - Greenwood press, 1992
Monographic text

Multidimensional models of perception and cognition / edited by F. Gregory Ashby
Hillsdale, NJ etc - LEA, 1992
Monographic text

Multidimensional processing of video signals / edited by Giovanni L. Sicuranza, Sanjit K. Mitra
Boston (etc.) - Kluwer, 1992
Monographic text

Multidimensional systems and signal processing - an international journal
Boston (MA) - Kluwer, 1990-

Multidisciplinary approaches to cholinesterase functions / edited by Avigdor Shafferman and Baruch Velan
New York ; London - Plenum, c 1992
Monographic text

Multilateral treaties deposited with the secretary-general
New York - Nations Unies

Multilayer optics for advanced x-ray applications - proceedings - 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California / Natale M. Ceglio
Bellingham - SPIE, c1992
Monographic text

Multimedia Encyclopedia
Novato - Software Toolworks, c1992
Multimedia monographic essay

Multimedia interface design / edited by Meera M. Blattner, Roger B. Dannenberg
Reading - Addison Wesley, 1992
Monographic text

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