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Newbury Park etc. - Sage, c1992 Monographic text Qualitative theory of differential equations / Zhang Zhi-fen ... and others ; translated by Anthony Wing-Kwok Leung Providence - American mathematical society, c1992 Monographic text Quality Control in Materials Processing 1992 / editor Reva V. Zaretsky United States of America - ASM, c1992 Monographic text Quality control in the pharmaceutical industry / ed. by Murray S. Cooper New York ; London - Academic press, 1972- Monographic text Quality engineering handbook / edited by Thomas Pyzdek, Roger W. Berger New York (etc.) - M. Dekker, copyr. 1992 Monographic text Quality in the constructed project - a guide for owners, designers and constructors New York - ASCE, c1990- Monographic text Quality progress - The monthly news magazine of the American Society for Quality Control Vol.1, n.1(january 1968)- Magazine A quantitative evaluation of osteoblast-osteocyte relationships on growing endosteal surface of rabbit tibiae / G. Marotti ... and others The place of publication is not referred - Pergamon Press, 1992 Monographic text Quantum fields on the computer / editor Michael Creutz Singapore etc. - World scientific, c1992 Monographic text Quantum measurements in optics / edited by Paolo Tombesi and Daniel F. Walls. -New York ; London - Plenum, published in cooperation with NATO scientific affairs division, 1992 Monographic text Quantum mechanics of fundamental systems 3 / edited by Claudio Teitelboim and Jorge Zanelli New York ; London - Plenum, c 1992 Monographic text Quantum Transport in Semiconductors / David K. Ferry and Carlo Jacoboni New York etc. - Plenum Press, c1992 Monographic text Quarantine pests for Europe - data sheets on quarantine pests for the European Communities and for the European and Mediterranean plant protection organization / prepared by CABI and EPPO for... ; editorial committee- I.M. Smith ... ( et a.) Wallingford (Oxon) - CAB international, c1992 Monographic text A quarter century of nephrology - commemorating American Society of Nephrologys 25th anniversary / edited by the ASN Historical committee ; Richard L. Tannen ... (and others) (The place of publication is not referred) - American society of nephrology, c1992 Monographic text The Quarterly - expanding frontiers of knowledge in music teaching and learning Northern Colorado - University of Northern Colorado School of music, 1990 Magazine |