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Monographic text Rona looks at Hollywood - Laufer Magazine Roots of rural ethnic mobilisation / edited by David Howell ; in collaboration with Gert Von Pistohlkors and Ellen Wiegandt New York - New York university press ; Aldershot - Darmouth, c1993 Monographic text Rosariner Zeitung - die zeitung erscheint des abends, dusser an Sonn und Festtagen Rosario - s.n. Magazine Rotal anthology - an annotated index of rotal decisions from 1971 to 1988 / compiled by Augustine Mendonca Washington - Canon law society of America, c1992 Monographic text The rotarian - an international magazine Chicago - Rotary International Magazine Le rotarien - A.1, n.1 (juin 1950)- Chicago - (s.n.), 1950- Magazine Rotor & wing Rockville, MD - Access Intelligence, 1992- Magazine Round Midnight in North Carolina and Dolo / featuring Curtis Fuller, Paul Jeffrey & Italian Allstars (The place of publication is not referred) - Duke University, p1992 Audio recording Roxy & elsewhere / Zappa, Mothers (USA) - Barking Pumpkin, (1992) Audio recording Royal art of Benin - the Perls collection in the metropolitan museum of art / a cura di Kate Ezra New Jork - The metropolitan museum of art, c 1992 Monographic text The royal city of Susa- ancient near Eastern treasures in the Louvre / edited by Prudence O. Harper, Joan Aruz and Françoise Tallon New York - The Metropolitan museum of art, ©1992 (Milan - Motta) Monographic text RQ / American library Association, Reference and adult services Division Chicago - American library association, -1996 Magazine RSR - reference services review Ann Arbor - Pierian Press Magazine RTSD newsletter - resources and technical services division, American library Association Chicago - American library Association Magazine |