Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1992

Page no. 787 of 1641       

Taiwan - beyond the economic miracle / Denis Fred Simon and Michael Y. M. Kau editors
Armonk (N.Y.) etc. - Sharpe, c1992
Monographic text

Taiwan - from developing to mature economy / edited by Gustav Ranis
Boulder ; San Francisco ; Oxford - Westview Press, 1992
Monographic text

Tajikistan / Prepared under the direction of John Odling-Smee ... and others
Washington - International Monetary Fund, 1992
Monographic text

Taking property and just compensation - law and economics perspectives of the takings issue / edited by Nicholas Mercuro
Boston etc. - Kluver academic, c1992
Monographic text

Taking sides - clashing views on controversial psychological issues / edited, selected, and with introductions by Brent Slife and Joseph Rubinstein
Guilford, CT - Dushkin Pub. Group, c1992
Monographic text

Taking sides - clashing views on controversial social issues / edited, selected, and with introductions by Kurt Finsterbusch and George McKenna
Guilford, CT - Dushkin Pub. Group, c1992
Monographic text

Das Tal der Könige
Salt lake city - Simpkins souvernirs, 1992 (printed in Italy)
Monographic text

Tal der Königinnen, Die Gräber der Adligen
Salt lake city - Simpkins souvenirs, 1992 (printed in Italy)
Monographic text

The tale of Matsura - Fujiwara Teikas experiment in fiction / translated with an introduction by Wayne P. Lammers
Ann Arbor - University of Michigan. Centre pf japanese studies, 1992
Monographic text

The Tanner lectures on human values
Salt Lake City - University of Utah press ; Cambridge (etc - Cambridge university press, c1980-

Tappi journal / Technical association of the pulp and paper industry
Vol. 65, n. 9 (Sept. 1982)-84, Aug. 2001

Target sites of fungicide action / editor Wolfram Koller
Boca Raton - CRC Press, c1992
Monographic text

Targeting of drugs 3 - the challenge of peptides and proteins / edited by Gregory Gregoriadis and Alexander T. Florence and George Poste
New York ; London - Plenum, c1992
Monographic text

Task Magazine
Cambridge - s.n

Tattoo, Torture, Mutilation, and Adornment - the denaturalization of the body in culture and text / Frances E. Mascia-Lees and Patricia Sharpe editors
Albany, N.Y. - State University of New York Press, c1992
Monographic text

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