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Passion fruit / Alex Gotfryd New York - Doubleday, (1992 Monographic text Goto, Masao Fundamentals of bacterial plant pathology / Masao Goto San Diego (etc.) - Academic press, c1992 Monographic text Gottfried, Kurt Quantum mechanics / Kurt Gottfried New York ; Amsterdam - W. A. Benjamin, 1966- Monographic text Gottlieb, Alma Under the kapok tree - identity and difference in Beng thought / Alma Gottlieb Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana university press, c1992 Monographic text Gottlieb, Gilbert Individual development and evolution - the genesis of novel behavior / Gilbert Gottlieb New York ; Oxford - Oxford University press, 1992 Monographic text Gottlieb, Roger S. Marxism - 1844-1990 - origins, betrayal, rebirth / Roger S. Gottlieb New York ; London - Routledge, 1992 Monographic text Gould, Wilbur A. Tomato production, processing & technology / Wilbur A. Gould Timonium, Md. - CTI, c1992 Monographic text Gould, Wilbur A. Total quality management for the food industries / by Wilbur A. Gould Timonium - CTI publications, c1992 Monographic text Goulding, Phil G. Classical music - the 50 greatest composers and their 1.000 greatest works / Phil G. Goulding New York - Fawcett Columbine, 1992 Monographic text Gounard, Jean Francois The racial problem in the works of Richard Wright and James Baldwin / Jean Francois Gounard ; translated by Joseph J . Rodgers jr. . foreword by Jean F. Beranger West Port etc. - Greenwood, 1992 Monographic text Gounod, Charles Faust - in full score / Charles Gounod New York - Dover, ©1992 Music Gounod, Charles Petite symphonie for winds / Gounod. Symphonie in B minor Westbury - Koch International USA, (1992) Audio recording Gourley, Ira M. Atlas of small animal surgery / Ira M. Gourley, Clare R. Gregory ; with original illustrations by Alan Landau, Virginia M. Ferrante New York ; London - Gower medical publishing, c1992 Monographic text Govier, Trudy A practical study of argument / Trudy Govier Belmont - Wadsworth Publ. Co., 1992 Monographic text Gower, John Mirour de l'omme - (The Mirror of mankind) / John Gower ; tranlated by William Burton Wilson ; revised by Nancy Wilson van Baak ; with a foreword by R. F. Yeager East Leansing - Colleagues press, 1992 Monographic text |