Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1992

Page no. 1305 of 1641       

MacEwan, Jenny
Evidence and the Adversarial Process - the modern law / Jenny McEwan
Cambridge - Blackwell, c1992
Monographic text

MacGregor, A. J.
Fire and light in the western triduum - their use at Tenebrae and at the Paschal vigil / A. J. MacGregor
Collegeville (Minn.) - The Liturgical Press, c1992
Monographic text

MacGregor, David
Hegel, Marx and the English state / David MacGregor
Boulder (etc. - Westview, (1992
Monographic text

MacGregor, James G.
Reinforced concrete - mechanics and design / James G. MacGregor
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice Hall, copyr. 1992
Monographic text

MacHaffie, Barbara J.
Readings in her story - women in Christian tradition / Barbara J. MacHaffie
Minneapolis - Fortress Press, c1992
Monographic text

Machiavelli, Niccolò
The prince - a revised translation, backgrounds, interpretations, marginalia / Niccolo Machiavelli ; translated and edited by Robert M. Adams
New York etc. - W. W. Norton, 1992
Monographic text

Machining of composite materials symposium - ASM/TMS materials week (1992 ; Chicago)
Machining of composite materials - proceedings of the Machining of composite materials symposium - ASM/TMS materials week, Chicago, Illinois, USA 1-5 November 1992 / edited by T. S. Srivatsan and D. M. Bowden
Materials Park, OH. - ASM international, c1992
Monographic text

Machlis, Paul
Union catalog of letters to Clemens / Paul Machlis ; with the assistance of Deborah Ann Turner
Berkeley (etc. - University of California press, c1992
Monographic text

Mack, Phyllis
Visionary women - ecstatic prophecy in seventeenth-century England / Phyllis Mack
Berkeley - University of California press, 1992
Monographic text

Mackay, Donald
Vol. 1- Monoaromatic hydrocarbons, chlorobenzenes, and PCBs / Donald Mackay, Wan Ying Shiu e Kuo Ching Ma
Boca Raton etc. - Lewis publishers, c1992
It's a part of > Illustrated handbook of physical-chemical properties and environmental fate for organic chemicals / Donald Mackay, Wan Ying Shiu, Kuo Ching Ma
Monographic text

Mackay, Robin
Gas turbine generator sets for hybrid vehicles / Robin Mackay
Warrendale, PA - Society of Automotive Engineers, 1992
Monographic text

Mackendrick, Alex
Sweet smells of success / directed by Alexander Mackendrick ; screenplay by Clifford Odets and Ernest Lehman from the novelette by Ernest Lehman
California - Metro-Goldwin Mayer, c1957 ; MGM home entertainment, c2000

Mackenzie, James J.
The going rate - what it really costs to drive / James J. MacKenzie, Roger C. Dower, Donald D. T. Chen
, Washington (DC) - World Resources Institute,1992
Monographic text

Mackey, George W.
The scope and history of commutative and noncommutative harmonic analysis / George W. Mackey
Providence (Rhode Island) - American Mathematical Society, c1992
Monographic text

Mackey, Michael C.
Time's arrow- the origins of thermodynamic behavior / Michael C. Mackey
New York (etc.) - Springer, c 1992
Monographic text

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