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national conference on artificial intelligence - proceedings - AAAI-92 - July 12-16, 1992 / sponsored by the American association for artificial intelligence Menlo Park etc. - AAAI press ; MIT press, c1992 Monographic text National conference on artificial intelligence (10. ; 1992 ; San Jose) AAAI-92 - proceedings tenth national conference on artificial intelligence july 12-16, 1992 San Jose, California / sponsored by the American association for artificial intelligence Menlo Park (etc.) - AAAI press ; MIT press, c1992 Monographic text National convention of the Registry of Interpreters for the deaf (12. ; 1991) Expanding horizons - proceedings of the 12. national convention of the Registry of interpreters for the deaf, August 6-11, 1991 / edited by Jean Plant-Moeller Silver Springs, MD - RID publications, c1992 Monographic text National Council (U.S.) Committee on Food Chemicals Codex Food chemicals codex - 3. supplement to the 3. edition / Committee on Food Chemicals Codex, Food and Nutrition Board, Division of Biological Sciences, Assembly of Life Sciences, National Research Council Washington - National Academy press, 1992 Monographic text National Gallery of Art (Washington) The evolution of seventeenth-century emblematic literature in the Netherlands Washington, D.C. - National gallery of art, c1992 Monographic text National geographic society - Cartographic section Pacific ocean floors ; Indian ocean floors / produced by the Cartographic Division, National Geographic Society Washington (DC) - National Geographic Society, 1992 Map National Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibition (28. ; 1992 ; San Diego, CA) Enhanced heat transfer - presented at the 28th national heat transfer conference and exhibition. San Diego, California. August 9-12, 1992 / edited by M. B. Pate, M. K. Jensen New York - The american society of mechanical engineers, c1992 Monographic text National Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibition (28. ; 1992 ; San Diego) Compact heat exchangers for power and process industries - (papers) presented at the 28. National Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, California August 9-12, 1992 / sponsored by the Heat Transfer Division, Asme ; edited by R. K. Shah ...(and others) New York - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1992 Monographic text National Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibition (28. ; 1992 ; San Diego) Two-phase flow and heat transfer 1992 - presented at the 28. National Heat Transfer Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, California August 9-12, 1992 / sponsored by the Heat Transfer Division, Asme ; edited by J. K. Kim, R. A. Nelson, A. Hashemi New York - the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1992 Monographic text National Institute for Nuclear Theory Nucleon resonances & nucleon structure - Seattle, Washington, USA, 1-12 July 1991 / Gerald A. Miller ; Institute for Nuclear Theory Singapore - World Scientific, 1992 Monographic text National Interagency Fire Center Look up look down look around- student wortkbook / National Interagency Fire Center Boise, ID - NIFC, 1992 Monographic text National Interagency Fire Center Look up, look down, look around / National Interagency Fire Center Boise, ID - NIFC, 1992 Monographic text National library of medicine (Bethesda) Technical notes - medlars indexing instructions - supplement tumor key / National library of medicine - 1992 (Bethesda, MD) - NLM, 1992 Monographic text National museum of African art (Washington D.C.) Elmina - art and trade on the west african coast - october 14, 1992-february 28, 1993 / National museum of african art Washington - Smithsonian institution, 1992 Monographic text National museum of African art (Washington D.C.) History, design, and craft in West African strip-woven cloth - papers presented at a symposium organized by the National museum of African art, Smithsonian institution, february 18-19, 1988 Washington - National museum of African art, ©1992 Monographic text |