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, 1993 It's a part of > American international law cases. 3. series / edited by Bernard D. Reams jr Monographic text 7- 1991 / edited by John J. Cleary Lanham - University press of America, c1993 It's a part of > Proceedings of the Boston area colloquium in ancient philosophy / edited by John J. Cleary Monographic text 7- 1991 / edited by John J. Cleary , c1993 Monographic text 7- Krasnokamsk Menadra Chicago etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1993 It's a part of > ?Vol. 1-12- ?Micropaedia - ready reference Monographic text 7- Fusion technologies to Imaging techniques, biomedical / edited by George L. Trigg ; associate editors Eduardo S. Vera, Walter Greulich New York (etc.) - VCH, ©1993 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of applied physics / edited by George L. Trigg ; associate editors- Eduardo S. Vera, Walter Greulich ; managing editor- Edmund H. Immergut ; assistant managing editor- Gordon A. Dana ; ... Monographic text 7- Genetic engineering to hydrogels / editors James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan New York ; Basel ; Hong Kong - Marcel Dekker, c1993 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology / editors James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan Monographic text Rockville (Md.) - United States Pharmacopeial Convention, c1993 It's a part of > USP 22. - the United States Pharmacopeia, 22. revision ; NF 17. - the National Formulary, 17. ed. Supplement / by authority of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention Monographic text Rockville, MD - Unite States Pharmacopeial Convention, ©1993 It's a part of > The United States pharmacopoeia - USP 22. The National formulary - N.F. 17 Monographic text 8 / edited by Jean-Marc Bollag, G. Stotzky New York (etc.) - Dekker, c1993 It's a part of > Soil biochemistry Monographic text 8 / Edited by Jeanette Clausen & Sara Friedrichsmeyer Lincoln ; London - University of Nebraska press, ©1993 It's a part of > Women in German yearbook - feminist studies and German culture Monographic text 8 / Edited by Lesser Blum and F. Bary Malik XI, 684 p. ; 24 cm It's a part of > Condensed Matter Theories / Editorial board- R. F. Bishop ... et al. Monographic text 8 / J. Dieudonne ; translated by Laura Fainsilber XI, 356 p. - ill. ; 23 cm It's a part of > Treatise on analysis / J. Dieudonne Monographic text 8 - Hydrolysis of drugs to lipids in pharmaceutical dosage forms New York etc. - M. Dekker, ©1993 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology / editors James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan Monographic text 83. / edited by I. Prigogine and Stuart A. Rice New York (etc.) - John Wiley & sons, 1993 It's a part of > Advances in chemical physics / edited by I. Prigogine ; with a preface by P. Debye Monographic text 84. / edited by I. Prigogine and Stuart A. Rice New York (etc.) - John Wiley & sons, 1993 It's a part of > Advances in chemical physics / edited by I. Prigogine ; with a preface by P. Debye Monographic text |