Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 403 of 1626       

In vitro cellular & developmental biology - journal of the Tissue culture association
Gaithersburg (MD) - Tissue culture association, (©1985-©1993

In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal
Columbia (MD) - Tissue culture association - (poi Society for in vitro biology, (©1993-

In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant - journal of the Tissue culture association
Columbia (MD) - Tissue culture association, (©1991-

In Western New York / Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
Buffalo - Buffalo Fine Arts Academy

In Western New York 1993 - Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, May 15 through June 13, 1993
Buffalo - Fine Arts Academy, c1993
Monographic text

In-situ bioremediation of contaminated subsurface media / edited by J. Kevin Rumery ... and others
Alexandria - Water environment federation, 1993
Monographic text

Inbred and genetically defined strains of laboratory animals / compiled and edited by Philip L. Altman and Dorothy Dittmer Katz
Bethesda (MD) - Federation of American society for experimental biology, (©1979-
Monographic text

Including the poor - proceedings of a symposium organized by the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute / edited by Michael Lipton and Jacques van der Gaag
Washington, D.C. - the World Bank, 1993
Monographic text

Inco magazine / International nickel company
New York - International nickel company, 1920-

Incompressible computational fluid dynamics - trends and advances / edited by Max D. Gunzburger and Roy A. Nicolaides
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, c1993
Monographic text

The incremental costs of global environmental benefits / Ken King
Washington - The Global Environment Facility, c1993
It's a part of > Working paper / Global Environment Facility
Monographic text

Indecent Proposal - music taken from the original motion picture soundtrack / (original music composed and conducted by John Barry)
Universal City, CA - MCA Records, (1993)
Audio recording

Indecent proposal - music taken from the original motion picture soundtrack / (original music composed and conducted by John Barry)
Universal City, Calif. - MCA Records, (1993)
Audio recording

The Independent - a weekly magazine
New York - s.n., s.d

The Independent - Film & Video Monthly
New York - Foundation for indipendent Video and Film, Inc

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