Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1993

Page no. 405 of 1626       

Index to legal periodicals. Cumulation / American Association of Law Libraries
New York - Wilson Co., 1926-1994.

Index to periodical articles related to law - selected from journals not included in the Current law index, the Index to foreign legal periodicals, or the Index to legal periodicals
Dobbs Ferry, (N. Y.) - Glanville

Index to periodical articles related to law - thirty year cumulation - volumes 1-30 - 1958-1988 / editors Roy M. Mersky, J. Myron Jacobstein ; compilers Gary R. Hartman, Daniel W. Martin
Dobs Ferry, New York - Glanville, 1989
Monographic text

Index to plant chromosome numers for ..
Berkeley - California botanical society, 1958-

Index to proceedings of the Security Council, United Nations
New York - United Nations

Index to the secondary literature - a collated list of indexes and glossaries to the secondary literature concerning the Sumerian language / edited and maintained by Steve Tinney
Philadelphia - Steve Tinney, c1993
Monographic text

Index, 1993 - volumes 1.-10. and Historical volume
New Providence, NJ - Maruis Who's who, ©1993
It's a part of > Who was who in America with world notables
Monographic text

The index. - 2 v.
It's a part of > The New Encyclopaedia Britannica
Monographic text

Vol. 4- Indexes
It's a part of > Ulrich's international periodicals directory - 1993-94 / including irregular serials & annuals
Monographic text

(3.3 - Indexes / Patricia King Hanson executive editor ; Alan Gevinson
Berkeley (etc. - University of California press, ©1993
It's a part of > Feature films. 3, 1931-1940.
Monographic text

Indexes - a chapter from The Chicago manual of style, fourteenth edition
Chicago - The University of Chicago Press, 1993
Monographic text

The Indian in Latin American history - resistance, resilience, and acculturation / John E. Kicza, editor
Wilmington (DE) - Scholarly resources, 1993
Monographic text

Indian notes / Museum of the American Indian Heye foundation
V. 1 (1924)-

Indiana journal of global legal studies
Bloomington - Indiana university school of law, 1993-

Indiana magazine of history
(Bloomington - Indiana University

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