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New York - ASCE, 1983- Magazine Journal of technology and teacher education Charlottesville (Va.) - Association for the advancement of computing in education, 1993- Magazine Journal of testing and evaluation / American society for testing and materials Philadelphia - ASTM, 1973- Magazine Journal of the Academy of marketing science Greenvale, N.Y. - Academy of Marketing Science, 1973- Magazine The journal of the Acoustical society of America Lancaster (PA) - published for the Acoustical society of America by the American institute of physics, 1929- Magazine Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science / Alabama Academy of Science Auburn - (Auburn University Printing Service) Magazine Journal of the American academy of child and adolescent psychiatry - official publication of the American academy of child and adolescent psychiatry Baltimore, MD - American academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, 1987- Magazine Journal of the American academy of dermatology St. Louis (MO) - Mosby, 1979- Magazine Journal of the American academy of orthopaedic surgeons Rosemont - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Magazine Journal of the american academy of religion Philadelphia - American Academy of Religion Magazine Journal of the American Association of University Women Magazine Journal of the American ceramic society - abstracts bulletin - a monthly journal devoted to the arts and sciences Columbus - American ceramic society Magazine Journal of the American chemical society - JACS Easton (NY) - Lehmaier, 1879- Magazine Journal of the American college of cardiology - JACC New York (NY) - Elsevier biomedical, (©1983- Magazine Journal of the American college of nutrition Vol. 1, n. 1(1982)- Magazine |